Periodic integration in Calculator

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ShamShoon, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. ShamShoon

    ShamShoon Guest

    I am using Analog Design Environment and I have Spectre simulation
    results of a sequence of random input patterns applied to a circuit on
    each clock. What I would like to do is to find the integral of the
    output waveform over each clock cycle period independently. Using the
    "integ" function in Calculator only lets me specify the starting and
    ending point of integration which means it will give me the result for
    only one particular period and that I have to change the ranges
    manually to get the integral over each period. What I would like to do
    is to automatically calculate the integral over multiple time ranges
    that are basically offset from each other by the length of the clock
    cycle period. Is there anyway that I can do that with the calculator?
    Is it possible to have a variable defined as a range and then enter
    something like From: x To: x+T in the integral function dialog box,
    where T is the clock period?

    I appreciate any help.

    ShamShoon, Dec 16, 2005
  2. ShamShoon

    fogh Guest

    It is possible to define your own calculator functions (one of the last
    chapters in the analog artist manual). So what you describe is doable.
    But if your simulation can be rerun in a reasonable time, I believe it
    will be more convenient to do this postprocessing in circuit (as
    schematic or verilogA view). A controlled source and a capacitor to
    integrate, some switch to discharge on clock posedge, and you are done.
    fogh, Dec 17, 2005
  3. ShamShoon

    svenn.are Guest

    If the clock period is static, then I would write a SpectreHDL or a
    Verilog-A module to perform the integral and print the result to a file
    for each period. The static clock period would then be a parameter on
    the symbol of the integrator. Depends a bit on how you want to present
    your data. Postprocessing in ADE can become slow if data is large. If
    you write the integral of each period to file, you can choose the
    format of your favourite graph generator.
    svenn.are, Dec 19, 2005
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