Performance Mystery

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Fatfreek, May 12, 2004.

  1. Fatfreek

    Fatfreek Guest

    I just did a test using R2004. My lsp driven routine draws many (some
    100,000) entities -- mostly single-character text. To make performance
    better I modified the routine to split things up, draw no more than 10,000
    at a time, Wblock that group to FileName1 (which deletes them from the
    database and the display) -- then proceeds with the next group, FileName2,
    etc. This way, there are never more than 10,000 entities in the drawing.
    In the table below, I list the time in minutes, it takes for each group to
    be drawn and Wblocked.
    Group) Minutes
    1) 2.1
    2) 6.3
    3) 10.3
    4) 24.5
    5) 18.5
    6) 23.1
    7) 42.6
    8) 31.1
    9) 57.1
    Does anybody have any idea for the worsening performance after the first
    p.s. Under Win2k Pro I am running this with 1.5 Gb RAM and some 60 Gb
    available disk space.
    Len Miller
    Fatfreek, May 12, 2004
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