PERFORMANCE:Has SW Emasculated CTRL-Q in 2007??

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I have confirmed that SW doesn't rebuild hole wizards features used as
    assembly features with CTRL-Q. This behavior continues into 2007.

    TOP, Jul 3, 2007
  2. TOP

    fcsuper Guest

    fcsuper, Jul 3, 2007
  3. TOP

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Dale Dunn, Jul 3, 2007
  4. TOP

    kenneth Guest

    TOP = The Other Paul (Kellner)

    you must have missed that memo.
    kenneth, Jul 3, 2007
  5. TOP

    matt Guest

    You will probably get another laugh if you know what "force rebuild" is.
    It's Ctrl-Q. The only thing the macro does, if it's the same one I've
    seen, is to turn on verification on rebuild and then ctrl-Q.

    I actually talked to a developer about this, and he said that if ctrl-Q
    (force rebuild) is leaving anything behind, then it is a bug and should
    be reported.

    There are situations, however, which might leave something with a
    rebuild flag which are not bugs. In particular, if a feature is involved
    in a circular relation, it could easily look like it is not being rebuilt.

    I wish Paul (TOP) would post a model or assembly which demonstrates this
    problem. If it's there, we should all know about it and get it fixed. Of
    course getting it fixed won't help Paul for a few years, since they
    won't go back to SW06 to make the fix, it would probably happen in SW08.

    Paul? Got a model? I will host it on my FTP if you can get it to me or
    tell me how to make it.

    matt (TOM - the other matt)
    matt, Jul 3, 2007
  6. TOP

    TOP Guest


    I just ran across it while working in 2004 on a highly in-contexted
    assembly and again in 2007 when a co-worker mentioned that an assembly
    level hole wizard hole did not update location when planes it
    referenced where moved. I can't really send these models out to you
    because they are confidential so all I can do is
    TOP, Jul 4, 2007
  7. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Oops, hit the send button too early.

    CTRL-Q simply doesn't do what the ForceRebuild API call does. That
    isn't hard to demonstrate and other here have also noticed it. Don't
    think I haven't run the macro without Verification on Rebuild. Just
    today we were trouble shooting an assembly. My associate hit CTRL-Q
    numerous times and the HoleWizard hole did not update. One run of the
    macro updated everything properly. Same behavior I have seen running
    programs while benchmarking. CTRL-Q would rebuild very quickly, the
    macro would take much longer without VOR active. On parts I would say
    that CTRL-Q and the macro probably behave the same, but not in
    assemblies or drawings.

    TOP, Jul 4, 2007
  8. TOP

    fcsuper Guest


    Didn't realize it was you where bringing this up...of course. :)

    Well, there it is. :pp

    Anyways, maybe this is something that does need addressing by SW.

    Matt (another matt lol...maybe I'll just stick to fcsuper for sig)
    fcsuper, Jul 4, 2007
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