pen settings for PDF plots

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ronw, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. ronw

    ronw Guest

    My original post disappeared from this newsgroup list.

    Briefly, my question was - how do I set up the pen table
    for a PDF plot to enable the black lines to plot last ie.
    after the coloured lines for better presentation - I believe
    it can be done.

    I tried to set up (ACAD R2000) the .cbt pens (or virtual
    pens) with coloured pens in the 1 - 9 position and the
    black pens in the 10 - 15 positions - no luck - the black
    always prints first.

    Are there any settings that I've overlooked?

    Help appreciated.

    ronw, Oct 16, 2003
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