PDMWorks useful for single user?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mitch, May 11, 2005.

  1. mitch

    mitch Guest

    Is there any benefit for a single user on a single PC to use PDMworks?


    mitch, May 11, 2005
  2. mitch

    Brian Guest

    I am currently using PDMWorks, and am the sole user. The largest
    benefit that I can see is its use for revision control. Even with
    relatively small assemblies ( ie 20-40 parts ), prior to its use, it was
    pretty easy to miss changes to parts within an assembly. Now I can also
    match revision levels of support files to parent ones ( like pdf,dxf, tiff,
    ect ) without having to remake them every time to ensure their accuracy.
    However, anything that PDMWorks can do for a single user, could also be
    accomplished through very good file management discipline (something I
    Brian, May 11, 2005
  3. mitch

    pete Guest

    Yes, if prototyping, very useful.
    Saves lots of head aches.
    pete, May 11, 2005
  4. mitch

    mitch Guest

    How does it save headaches?
    mitch, May 12, 2005
  5. mitch

    pete Guest

    If Solidworks or your pc crashes, you often loose any changes that you have
    made, sometimes the whole document!
    If you use Pdmworks and regularly check-in your documents, your changes will
    be safe.
    Revision control is easier with a PDM system, you can check-in at the same
    revision, or have successive revision.
    You can do life cycles, such as prototype, first release, current etc..
    You can copy a whole project and save it as a new project, with different
    document names and references, no more configurations, a whole new project,
    without having to redraw the same things over again, great for a design
    You can use Pdmworks for all of your documents including Word, Pdf, bmp and
    lots more.
    You can do reports and save these into excel for costing etc..
    You can add comments at check-in time too.
    There are so many advantages, the list is endless.

    You can get a 30 trial, give it a go, it seems daunting at first, but it
    gets you working in a constant style.
    Look at Matts Website, he has written some great ideas, do's and don'ts.
    pete, May 12, 2005
  6. mitch

    TOP Guest

    Absolutely, In fact that is one of it's best uses assuming you are a
    designer and you create a lot of variations on a theme. I can't tell
    you how much time PDMWorks will save when you are in a what if scenario
    and have to keep files straight, separate and easy to find old
    TOP, May 13, 2005
  7. mitch

    adam Guest

    You may want to also look at DBWorks, it uses a database and PDMWorks does
    not.. It can be use straight out of the box and has more functionality and
    is more user friendly.
    adam, May 13, 2005
  8. mitch

    TOP Guest

    And PDMWorks will utilize a Samba server which is difficult with
    TOP, May 14, 2005
  9. mitch

    matt Guest

    Well, hopefully you'll be lucky enough to pick a PDM that doesn't
    *cause* crashes. I've been there, and it's not fun.

    The only time a SW crash is going to affect data inside a PDM package is
    if you crash while writing data to the vault. If SW crashes when
    working on data locally, the worst that happens is that the data is
    corrupted or left in an unusable state and you have to get another copy
    of the latest vaulted version. Generally, the vault is not on the same
    computer as the user, and the vault computer itself should not be
    crashing at all.

    I've seen problems with SW crashing while either sending or receiving
    large assemblies to/from the vault, but I'm pretty sure those were just
    crashes due to maxing out the computer's memory.

    If something crashes when writing data, you probably should go through
    and check the data that was writing at the time and make sure it made it
    into the vault and works properly when taken back out again. If you
    have to clean things up, each system has their own way of handling that.
    PDMW will allow you to rollback to a previous revision if the one after
    it gets corrupted or will allow you to overwrite the latest rev with a
    clean file. I've never seen a client crash bugger the vault. If things
    do get out of whack, you can always stop and restart the vault, which
    will cause it to rebuild and verify all its information. PDMW keeps a
    log too, which you could look at and see the last thing to write and
    whether it completed successfully or not.

    If your server has a catastrophic drive crash, you should be able to
    recreate the vault in another location very quickly. Working from
    incremental backups is not recommended, you shouldn't just restore a
    section of the vault (unless you really know what you're doing).

    The really nice thing about PDMW that it's detractors like to scoff at
    is that PDMW doesn't use a real database. PDMWorks is meant to be
    installed, implemented, maintained and used by engineers and designers.
    You don't need someone who knows Oracle or Sql. There is no additional
    cost for the database licenses, and in fact, many places do it with no
    intervention from IT at all.

    The nice thing about having a database like DBW is the additional
    function, but the trade off is the additional maintenance task and
    expense. If you want something simple that works today and you can
    maintain yourself, get PDMW. If you have more infrastructure or can
    deal with the database considerations, then there are a lot of other
    things you can look at DBW being just one of them.
    matt, May 14, 2005
  10. mitch

    TOP Guest

    matt wrote:
    Fact is that PDMWorks is a database, just not a SQL compliant database.
    It just depends on how you define the word database. If you define
    database as a repository of information which allows the information to
    be organized, stored, deleted, operated on and retrieved on a computer
    then PDMWorks and even SW can be considered databases. The people that
    say that PDMWorks is not a database merely mean that it is not a
    database in the sense that it doesn't perform its function using
    (apparently) common standards like SQL. AFAIK PDMWorks basically
    creates its own database in memory from data stored in directories know
    as a vault. Because it is not a SQL compliant database any new
    functionality or variations of capability require writing new code for
    those capabilities. The PDMWorks database is limitied to doing just
    what it does and nothing more which makes changes in its configuration
    or capabilities more difficult, but also takes that responsibility
    completely away from the user which makes it easier to maintain.
    This is kind of the same argument that goes on between Windows and
    Linux. Supporters of Windows say it is easy to use because the choices
    you have are limited, (to ordinary non-programmers anyway) while
    detractors of Linux say it is hard to use because it requires a lot of
    setup savvy (which is not really true anymore either). The real
    difference is that Windows is largely undocumented, proprietary and is
    meant to run, as is, out of the box with limited configurability, while
    Linux is designed so it can be reconfigured in an almost infinite
    number of ways to suit it's use and provides an easy to understand
    method of doing so being based on more or less open standards. Another
    Windows factor is that the user is at the mercy of the MSoft as to what
    capabilities and methods will be in the OS over time, while with Linux
    being based on open standards will be much more stable over time froma
    configuration standpoint.

    With that analogy, if PDMWorks does everything you need to do in the
    realm of PDM it is probably a very good choice. If it does not do
    everything you need, then DBWorks or one of the other configurable SQL
    based PDM systems may be a better choice. Also, if you cannot take the
    risk of features being changed outside of your control the SQL based
    PDM systems may be more suitable.

    But again, for a single user, these issues will probably have less
    impact than ease of use. If you start with PDMWorks it is probably not
    a big deal to change over at a later date.
    TOP, May 14, 2005
  11. mitch

    Wilma Guest

    Yes DBWorks does run on a database, which gives you more functionality, but
    with just one seat you can easily use the free database that comes with
    windows. DBWorks does not in anyway cause a crash if anything I have seen it
    help stabilize SolidWorks.. Because of the 100% integration and the fact
    that DBWorks does not mangle the file names if SolidWorks crashes any
    information in DBWorks is safe... The best thing to do is get an evaluation
    of both PDM software and try them out and see which one YOU like best! Go
    to their web pages and download an evaluation, if either one will not let
    you test if for free first, then why would you want it?
    Wilma, May 15, 2005
  12. mitch

    TOP Guest

    PDMWorks creates a directory structure for each document. As I recall,
    the folder name would be the document name, i.e., Part1_SLDPRT and the
    subfolders within would be named by the revision for the part, i.e.,
    1,2,3, etc. The actual document filename is the filename without
    extension IIRC. At any rate, the important thing to know is that any
    document within a revision folder can be made readable to SW by copying
    out of the vault, renaming to it's original name and opened in SW,
    excel, or whatever. To summarize, PDMWorks creates a little file tree
    for each document. It is pretty easy to understand.

    In addition to the folder system, PDMWorks also drops various text
    files in each folder that contain certain bits of information about the
    document and it's revision level.

    However, these document file trees can be organized any way you want on
    a macro level. Usually this would be by project or part number
    hierarchy and normally would be little different from the way pre-PDM
    users typically organize files.

    When the server starts it creates a database in memory from a traversal
    of this folder structure. That is one reason why a PDMWorks vault
    should be protected so that only the server can read, write or change
    the folder tree. If the in memory database and the information in the
    folder tree get out of sync there can be disaster.

    Programs like ecoSqueeze will unfrag the files in the vault when the
    server is shut down because it can detect that the files are structured
    storage files. So PDMWorks does not mangle the files themselves, just
    the filename.

    There are third party programs that will be able to traverse the vault
    and convert to a new release of SW. Why SW doesn't have this
    capability itself I have no idea.

    DBWorks on the other hand makes use of file permissions and compression
    and renaming to keep various revisions of file separate. It tracks all
    this in a SQL database. So you could put all the files in one big
    folder if you wanted to and they could still be kept separate by the
    DBWorks program.

    If you are using PDM I am not sure you would want non-PDM access to the
    files unless you want to create a big mess. Both DBWorks and PDMWorks
    should be set up so that the only way to access files is through the
    PDM system.
    TOP, May 16, 2005
  13. mitch

    matt Guest

    Personally, I think it's a very bad idea to allow people to have direct
    access to files inside the "vault". You lose all traceability and control.

    PDMW does have a function that allows you to do this, even though I never
    recommend it to anyone. There is an option to keep an unrenamed file in a
    separate location, ostensibly for backup, but I know that people use it as
    you say, to get around the interface.

    SmarTeam also renames the files by adding the item number or something to
    it. I forget what ProductCenter does.
    matt, May 16, 2005
  14. mitch

    Wilma Guest

    DBWorks will run on any of these Access, MSDE, SQL, and/or Oracle, were MSDE
    is free. You can buy 1 floating license.
    Wilma, May 17, 2005
  15. mitch

    matt Guest

    You can still do that if you want, but I never recommend it. It's risky
    accessing what is otherwise a controlled document. Regardless of what PDM
    product you use.

    Most PDM products have some sort of a view only module where you don't have
    to buy the whole enchillada, just a relatively inexpensive viewer which
    allows you to control access. I know SmarTeam's is about $5k ("cheap" in
    SmarTeam terms), PDMW has the Web Portal or a Standalone Client. I'll let
    the shills for other products tell you what they have.
    matt, May 17, 2005
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