Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ksbawa, May 10, 2005.

  1. ksbawa

    TOP Guest

    1. This isn't an exception because a filename consists of a name plus
    extension. I have parts and assemblies with the same name without
    violating this rule. When you have the same name + extension you have
    the same filename and this will confuse SW when you have two different
    documents with the same filename in different folders. My question is,
    what are you buying, the sheetmetal assembly or the bent up part?

    3. I am not sure this is a necssity. When a single part holds more than
    one configuration you may have several distinct parts as configurations
    and there will be more than on drawing for those parts. Each drawing
    may have a filename that can be different from the part document. The
    PDM program should be able to maintain the references consisten with SW
    external references.

    I have a macro that will list all the documents in an assembly along
    with which configuration in each document is active

    4. Filenames should contain no meaning other than perhaps length and

    5. File descriptions should follow a standard methodology to allow
    finding similar parts by searchin description.
    TOP, May 20, 2005
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