[PDMWorks] Export PDF for each revision

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nicolas Rubin, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Hi All,

    I would a macro in PDMWorks Workgroup that export pdf :

    All the pdf are created in the same and specified directory

    - First time I would traverse all the Vault to make a pdf for each drawing

    - After, each time user make a revision of a drawing, pdmworks must
    create a drawing in the specified directory

    Anybody has something like this ?

    Many thanks in advance

    Nicolas Rubin, Mar 12, 2007
  2. Nicolas Rubin

    fcsuper Guest


    You will likely need to higher a developer to make this for you or
    learn VB.NET to make an add-in for your SolidWorks. It's not
    something you will find for free online since this is very specific to
    your own needs. (Most people don't like messing around with PDMWorks

    fcsuper, Mar 12, 2007
  3. Nicolas Rubin

    Jean Marc Guest

    Not exactly what you need, but a nice app that might help:


    From the very helpful Markku.
    Jean Marc, Mar 12, 2007
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