PDMWorks and daylight savings time, screwed up again???

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Did they screw it up again? I remember one time when we had a problem
    with pdmworks and daylight savings time that caused all of our local
    copies appear to be newer than what was in the pdmworks vault. It
    appears that I am having that same problem again this morning. I opened
    an assembly comprised of several parts from the vault to my hard drive
    and I de-selected to option to open the parts (meaning that the
    documents were never opened in solidworks). I then took a look at my
    local view of pdmworks and all the documents I just downloaded from the
    vault were showing that they are newer than what is currently in the
    vault. I tried to reload a few of those local documents from the vault
    and after refreshing my local view those local documents still appear
    to be newer than the vault copies. Is anyone else seeing this problem?
    Yeah I already know the first response will be "Have you restarted the
    pdmworks service yet?" I am going to give that a try and see what
    happens. In the mean time let me know if anyone else is seeing this

    Thanks, Sam
    Sam, Apr 4, 2005
  2. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Just in case anyone is interested restarting the pdmworks service
    seems to fix this issue.

    Sam, Apr 4, 2005
  3. Sam

    P. Guest

    Or, you could move to Indiana.
    P., Apr 4, 2005
  4. Sam

    Ben Guest

    Or Saskatewan is another no time change option for a move...

    Ben, Apr 4, 2005
  5. My VAR e-mailed me last week about this problem. Here is what they had to
    say about it.

    Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, April 3. For some customers using
    PDMWorks this can cause issues whereby documents in the PDMWorks local view
    are indicated as being out of sync with documents in the vault. This can
    quickly be remedied by stopping and starting the PDMWorks service with the
    validate structure flag and tree rebuild flags checked.

    Richard Charney, Apr 4, 2005
  6. Sam

    Brian Guest

    I am running off a local vault ( vault,SWx, and all associated files on
    the same computer). Oddly enough, I had the same issue.
    Brian, Apr 4, 2005
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