PDMWorks and Conisio

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by George Orwell, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. Dear Mr. John McEleney,

    I used to think that Paul Salvador was just a bit of a wanker.

    Now I'm forced to agree that SW Corp views it's customer with disdain and loathing.

    Well, SW Corp made it official with the resellers.

    SW Corp is now using Conisio as the next revenue stream.

    SW buys Conisio and the first thing they do is jack up the price by $400.00 per seat.

    The price is now $1700.00 per seat! WTF!!

    Not a single enhancement.
    No compatability with the current PDMWorks Vault structure.
    No migration tools
    No credit for current PDMWorks seats purchased.
    Just make sure you pay your 20% maintenance per year.

    Just jack up the price and basically tell everyone "**** Off if you don't like it"

    With the release of SW 2007 we can now be assured of yet another product that won't be stable until the 4th service pack.
    So much for ISO certification and quality control.

    SW Maintenance is a FUCKING JOKE!
    We get to pay FULL PRICE to be Beta-Testers!

    What the hell are we paying for?

    The bottom line is SW Corp core business is selling BROKEN software and charging TOP DOLLAR for it!
    SolidWorks has had almost 10 Years to get Angled Mates to actually work.
    To this day. they does not.

    Flexible Assemblies do NOT work as advertised.

    Let's not even discuss the general piss-poor quality of SW documentation.

    I've had enough.

    We're dropping maintenance.

    20 seats of SW will now be converted to Alibre by the end of the year.

    Mr. McEleney, speaking for the majority of your loyal customer base, we're sick to death of your piss-poor track record on quality,
    delivery and overall customer service.

    The only thing more irritating than your performance is seeing your smug picture at the end of every SW setup.

    Serious as a bloddy heart attack,

    A disgusted and soon to be EX-customer.
    George Orwell, Aug 17, 2006
  2. George Orwell

    Cliff Guest

    UG has long been ISO. Is SW now too?
    Cliff, Aug 17, 2006
  3. George Orwell

    TOP Guest

    Guess we made the right choice to go with dbWorks. They have Conisio
    beat in service, quality and price.
    TOP, Aug 17, 2006
  4. George Orwell

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Don't you find dbWorks to be overly intrusive? I tried it for a bit
    and really couldn't get my head around it.
    Chris Dubea, Aug 17, 2006
  5. George Orwell

    TOP Guest

    Demo or did you get the training?

    TOP, Aug 18, 2006
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