PDMWorks Add-in Slows File Open... HELP!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Fye, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Fye

    Fye Guest

    We're in the process of upgrading everything to Version 2006. I've
    updated my seat of SW to 2006 SP3.1 (standalone license), and we've
    updated the Vault to 2006 SP0.0. The vault is about 20G large, and
    we've never had any problems with it at all.

    Normally, a simple part (a simple cube) usually takes microseconds to
    open up on my machine. But, if I have the PDMWorks add-in running, it
    takes about 20 seconds. This is just a part on the local machine - not
    even entered into PDMWorks.

    This problem was repeated on another machine with a network license of
    PDMWorks and SolidWorks 2006.

    I am not saving backup copies, and have the vault set to NOT keep extra
    copies of latest files. The "Validate Vault" setting is unchedcked.

    Any help is appreciated... this rollout is going to be very nasty if I
    can't find an answer to this soon!
    Fye, Jan 31, 2006
  2. Fye

    Fye Guest

    Ok - I think I've localized the problem...

    I believe PDMWorks is taking a long time to search through the vault
    before realizing that it is not in there.
    Fye, Jan 31, 2006
  3. Fye

    Fye Guest

    Ok, fixed the problem. For future reference for anyone who experiences
    this, here is what it was. Basically, we didn't have the latest
    service pack for the Vault service installed (currently 3.0 for version
    2006). Once we updated the Vault, and subsequently, the clients, the
    problem disappeared.
    Fye, Jan 31, 2006
  4. Fye

    robby Guest

    Keeping the vault service pack updated does not always help with the
    vault search speed. We have always done this as standard practice. The
    last "fast" PDM Works we had was Solidworks 2005 SP4.

    One thing that helped us with search speed is updating pre-2006 PDM
    works files to 2006 using the Solidworks Task Scheduler- "Update PDM
    Works Files" Utility. This is under
    Start--->Programs--->Solidworks 2006 SP3.0. This is not the greatest
    utility. If it fails on updating a few files, you have to start over
    with the entire project directory. Also, don't try it during working
    hours or else the PDM works users get errors. It takes a long long time
    if you have lots of files.
    robby, Feb 13, 2006
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