PDMWorks 2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tim Markoski, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Tim Markoski

    Tim Markoski Guest

    Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, SW Corp, in their
    infinite stupidity,
    decides to eliminate the PDMWorks Workgroup standalone client app.

    PDMWorks is now Integrated into SW Explorer.
    What a colossal ABORTION!
    To start with, the installation on the server side doesn't take into
    account your previous
    installation folder when you upgrade and manages to recreate the
    performance issues
    due to the MFC4.2 files.
    One would think that at this stage SW could actually build a setup for
    this that actually
    worked properly if they read their own technical bulletins.
    They integrate MS Desktop search for no logical reason at all.
    It is a solution in search of a problem.

    This wouldn't be so bad if SW actually provided a usable interface.
    They actually spent time on a God awful skinned interface that looks
    They didn't put any effort into functionality that would actually help
    end users.
    The API hasn't been updated at all as far as client functions are concerned.

    One of the MAJOR screwups is that the local file view does NOT refresh when
    a document is checked in and deleted from the local view.
    You still can't check in more than one document at a time.
    This makes absolutely no sense.

    If you select a project in the vault view and then move to the local view,
    PDMWorks doesn't remember the project you selected.

    PDMWorks 2006 had it's problems on the client side but it worked.
    We now have an "enhanced" application that is a HUGE step backwards.

    It's pretty clear to me that SW Corp views PDMWorks as a red-headed step
    They put very little effort into the product and it shows.
    Tim Markoski, Dec 5, 2006
  2. Sounds like PDMW is "Vista ready" now :)
    Markku Lehtola, Dec 5, 2006
  3. Tim Markoski

    Cliff Guest

    JB sez it's better than sliced bread.
    But he's a few bats short of a belfrey.
    Cliff, Dec 6, 2006
  4. Tim Markoski

    fcsuper Guest

    May I suggest that you make enhancement requests and ASAP?!

    fcsuper, Dec 6, 2006
  5. Tim Markoski

    Bo Guest

    Hmmm, all things being noted by 2007 users makes me think the problem
    is not with Enhancement Requests or Bug requests.

    This is starting to sound like the President of SolidWorks has been
    told in direct terms by Dessault to INCREASE HIS NET PROFITS BY XX% in
    2007 or he will get a boot...right out the door.

    So how to increase profits. Easy! Get rid of the most experienced
    programmers who make the highest salary.

    Given the position in the industry segment SolidWorks occupies, I would
    think they would be attempting to INCREASE the top quality programming,
    review, features & bug free status to further cement their position
    with EXISTING paying customers.

    NEVER, never, ever lose your BASE!

    Bo, Dec 6, 2006
  6. Tim Markoski

    Tim Markoski Guest

    That's what my posts here are supposed to do.
    SW Corp and the VARs simply don't listen to the end user.

    I'd like to hear someone from SW Corp, who actually posts here,
    actually explain the reasoning behind this monumental screwup.
    Tim Markoski, Dec 6, 2006
  7. Tim Markoski

    Ray Guest

    I too would like to know what SW is going to do about crippling
    PDMWorks in 2007.
    We use PDMWorks and we have held off from moving to 2007.
    Your post makes me glad we held off but our group will eventually move
    to it, do we abandon PDMWorks? SolidWorks are you listening?
    Raymond Schneider
    Ray, Dec 6, 2006
  8. Tim Markoski

    Tim Markoski Guest

    It appears that the eDrawings problem is only when running Windows 64.
    Tim Markoski, Dec 7, 2006
  9. Tim Markoski

    SteveO Guest

    Nope, it also does that in the 32-bit version. I've already brought it
    up with SolidWorks.
    SteveO, Dec 7, 2006
  10. Tim Markoski

    lmar Guest


    That is what the Enterprise PDM system is for :)
    Not a bad marketing move - forcing your client base to upsize just to
    get their work done.
    lmar, Dec 7, 2006
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