PDMWorks 2005 problem - have you seen this?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Richard Doyle, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. We just upgraded to 2005, including our PDMWorks. Everything is going
    splendidly, excpet for one thing. A user is trying to check an assembly into
    the vault, and gets the following error message:

    Unable to write custom properties to the file "5003338-011.SLDPRT. Please
    make sure that the file is not being used by another program.

    Well, it's certainly not being used by another program, so we used
    SolidWorks Rx (wayyy cool by the way) to isolate the problem. Using the
    option to "turn off" options/settings, the assembly easily checked in to the
    vault. Next, we experimented with settings in SolidWorks, and tracked it to
    the system option "Search file locatons for external references". If the
    option is checked, PDMWorks check-in fails. If the option is not checked,
    all is right with the world. This happens on everyone's machines.

    Dell Precision 2.6Ghz
    1GB RAM
    Some have Win2K, others have WinXP (SP2)
    (SP2 is NOT the problem - this happens in Win2K as well)

    I know, I know...Doc, it hurts when I do this. Doc: Well, don't do that.

    SolidWorks is aware of our issue, and they have agreed (insisted actually)
    to look at our vault data. But, I would like to ask if anyone else has seen
    this problem, or would you be willing to try to replicate it.


    Richard Doyle
    Richard Doyle, Oct 5, 2004
  2. Richard Doyle

    Dave H Guest


    There's someone named Ed Ortiz in the SolidWorks Discussion Forum that's
    having the exact same problem. Look in the PDM/Works section.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Oct 5, 2004
  3. Dave,
    I work with Ed, and I've been tasked with correcting the problem. SolidWorks
    is on top of it, but so far we seem to be the only folks in the land with
    the problem. I'm just fishing to see if anyone else had seen it.

    Richard Doyle, Oct 5, 2004
  4. Richard Doyle

    P Guest


    Just out of curiosity, is your vault locked down. Is it visible to SW
    users? And is the vault on a logical drive that also contains
    non-vaulted SW files and that is listed in the Reference files
    P, Oct 6, 2004
  5. Richard Doyle

    matt Guest


    What directory is your Tools, Options, File Locations, Referenced
    Documents pointing to? Network? Read only? Does removing a path from
    the list allow it to check in even with the "Search File Locations"
    turned on?

    Does the 5003338-011.SLDPRT file have external references, or is there
    anything of note about it? (in context, mirrored, base part,etc.)

    How is the Tools, Options, External References, Load Referenced
    Documents setting set?

    Is that part from a library folder (designated on the Toolbox tab)?

    Do you have any macro features in any parts?

    What kind of machine/OS is the server running on?

    I'm definitely interested in this issue. Please keep us updated.

    matt, Oct 6, 2004
  6. Matt (and P),
    This issue started after we upgraded to 2005. Nothing unusual about the
    upgrade, followed all of the instructions, didn't change any permissions,
    the vault is visible and accessible to all. Strangly enough, we can check-in
    individual parts (from the same assembly) without a glitch.

    See my other answers below.


    The only referenced document path is pointing to the common toolbox folder
    on the server. And yes, removing this file location "solves" the problem. It
    should be noted that the assembly I am checking in does not have any toolbox
    parts in it.
    Nope, nothing external is referenced. And this isn't the only culprit part,
    it's specific to the first part in the assembly. In other words, attempting
    to check in a different assembly causes the same error - with the first part
    in the tree (I hope you can understand that statement, cause it ain't very
    clear to me).
    Set to "all"
    It's a WIN2K server, probably put together by our crack IT staff in 1941.
    It's hard to make out the machine brand with all of the duct tape and
    bailing wire, but we've never had a problem before the upgrade.
    SolidWorks is interested too. Joy is sending me a USB DVD drive today so we
    can dump the vault and send it back. I don't think it's a vault issue -
    judging by the fact that when I turn off the external reference switch it
    works. Also, removing the reference to the toolbox directory fixes the
    problem. Thing is, these setting didn't change between 2004 and 2005. We
    don't need to search external references because our file structure is flat.
    Setting the toolbox path is all we should need. Too bad that doesn't work
    any more.

    Any suggestions you can offer are appreciated, although the workaround we
    found is fine so far.


    Richard Doyle, Oct 6, 2004
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