Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bas, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. Bas

    Bas Guest

    At the moment I'm working at a company where they just started working
    with (hired) Solidworks. Now they want to buy Solidworks for
    themselves, but doubt which PDM system they should choose.

    I have experiance with Smarteam, which I liked. Smarteam however is a
    far to expensive system.

    Based on that they have doubts whether to use PDMWorks from Dasault or
    DBWorks from mechworks. I was wondering if anyone has some experiance
    with these systems.

    I myself have the feeling that DBWorks is a much more mature PDM

    I hope you can help us further.


    Bas, Jul 15, 2004
  2. We are in the same boat and evaluating both packages also. I would suggest
    that your company evaluate their needs, work flow, future requirements
    before pulling the trigger. PDM may be adequate for them today, but DB may
    have greater potential for an expanding company, integration with other
    packages (MRP/ERP) via SQL and allowing the file structure to be AS IS for
    other personal to access.

    Keith Streich, Jul 15, 2004
  3. Bas

    cadman800 Guest

    What is the cost comparison for both? We have PDMWorks but are thinking of
    looking elsewhere as PDMworks doesn't all of our needs.

    cadman800, Jul 15, 2004
  4. Depends on the number of seats of DB and also requires a server with SQL and
    it's licenses for those seats. We're presently looking at 4 enterprise and
    4 standalone seats and the difference is ~15K vs. PDM.

    Keith Streich, Jul 15, 2004
  5. Bas


    Dear All,

    While you are looking PDMworks and DBWorks you should consider another
    product called www.DesignDataManager.com this is also a true database (no
    underlying DB Cost) and supports Solidworks (Memeber of Solidworks Partner
    Development Program), ProE, Inventor, AutoCAD, ME10 and most Single Windows
    File formats. This solution is an Engineering Design Change Management, and
    Project Management System. It has been on the market for 7-8 years, is very
    stable, very easy to use and is the easiest product on the market to install
    and maintain. Installation and configuration for 6 seats would only take 1

    DesignDataManager offers big product functionality for an entry level price,
    Well worth taking a look you have nothing to loose, I will make sure you are
    looked after!

    Regards, Joe
    Joe McBurnie
    CSI - DesignDataManager
    Managing Director
    JOE MCBURNIE, Jul 16, 2004
  6. Hi,

    What is the cost per seat?


    Marc Gibeault, Jul 19, 2004
  7. Bas


    Dear Marc

    The apprx costs are as follows;
    DDM Office £600.00 or $/?900.00
    DDM Pro £1000.00 or $/?1500.00 (includes DDM Office)
    DDM Web Server £2250.00 or $/?3375.00 (unlimited Read/Only users)
    DDM Remote Inteligent File Servers £1800.00 or $/?2700.00 per site
    1 day install for up to 6 seats
    2 days user trg
    1-2 days admin training
    This product requires little to no daily administration and supports Pro/E,
    Solidworks, Inventor, autocad, ME10 and most other Windows single file

    If you have any further questions, please can you mail direct to

    Look forward to hearing from you again.
    JOE MCBURNIE, Jul 19, 2004
  8. Thanks.

    Marc Gibeault, Jul 20, 2004
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