PDM - Who the heck needs this stuff anyways?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sean-Michael Adams, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. PDM:

    -Is annoying to learn.

    -Forces you to work in a way that you have not normally worked.

    -Costs money to buy and maintain.

    -Usually requires some sort of an expert to maintain.

    -Requires extra steps to change documents.

    There has been a wave of PDM related question, comments and threads
    This is largely driven by the addition of PDM works to the SolidWorks
    professional suite.

    So I ask the question:


    The answer is:


    I have been working with and administering our PDM system (Softech /
    WTC's product center 8) with a few users,
    mostly engineering, and have come to really appreciate what PDM can do
    for an engineering group, let alone a whole company.

    The reaction here at the company was/is mixed. Some people hate PDM
    and are slow to embrace it, others take to it readily.

    But after working with PDM, I have found it to be an indispensable
    part of my work.

    Running a multiple user / multiple configuration engineering group
    without a PDM system is a lot like running a product company without
    any MRP system.
    Yes, you can do purchasing on ring binders and have lots of planners
    to make sure you are not short parts, but you pay with higher labor
    costs. With cad you can also jockey multiple file versions, or beg
    each other form write permissions when the other guy has the model
    MRP helps you plan and manage your procurement. PDM helps you manager
    your product data.

    I started my career in 1986 as a tool and die apprentice. The big
    push at that time was for companies to use CNC and also to get into
    CAD. I was lucky enough to have a chance to design a draw tool which
    I accomplished with t-square and drafting board. There was a cad
    station available with a not so legitimate copy of AutoCAD 9, which I
    took to fervently! I started to learn CAD and so did a few of the
    other guys in the shop. We soon abandoned the board and the diazo
    machine and within a few years we were doing everything on CAD and
    doing all of our wire cutting from CAD shapes.
    By the early 90's people expected to do everything in CAD and could
    not imagine anything else.

    Things progressed and in 1994 I took another job as a tooling designer
    and we used anvil-1000 ME. The big push was to implement 2D
    parametrics for family of parts, for which they chose CADRA-3. This
    worked great and the results were impressive. What a time saver. By
    now the idea of parametrics had taken hold. People
    wanted to reuse and modulate their geometry. Another step forward.

    I moved on quickly and in 1995 landed at another company, again as a
    designer. They were using my old favorite - AutoCAD. They were using
    their cad data to program their laser and turrets. But on all the
    tooling they used cad and paper prints. All the die plates were hand
    programmed on at the CNC controller from dimensioned layouts. We saw
    this as an area to improve and moved into CAM programming with
    smartcam (along with a new 30 x 50 vmc). What a time and quality
    improvement! Things were accelerating quickly and eventually we bought
    3 seats of SolidWorks in about 1998, which really revolutionized the
    speed of flat part development and accuracy. Unfoldable sheet metal
    from a single model! Awesome.

    I took another job in 2001 as a mech designer. The company had just
    purchased and was implementing a PDM system and had Solidworks as
    well. This was all new to me and I didn't feel comfortable with it at
    all, but I knew that this "was the next wave". The PDM implementation
    was bumpy at times and at times thoughts of abandoning it overwhelmed
    the mind, but we still persevered. I was lucky enough to be the right
    hand man to the to the implementer and when he moved on to a better
    job, I was allowed to administer the system.

    Over the years I have seen many changes, and at every step of the way,
    there are people who pissed and moaned about the new technology,
    avoided it, cursed it and did everything in their power to guarantee
    that it "was not viable". But still the new way of doing things
    prevailed and eventually became the standard way of doing things.

    On the other hand are the people who embrace new technology and take
    advantage of it - these are the people who usually prosper. Wherever
    people started, people eventually came to think "how could you
    possibly do that sort of work without that tool?"

    The question is "Which do you want to be?"

    I too often see people focus on the negative aspects of a new tool and
    utterly look past the great benefits that the tool gives.

    For me I have seen PDM overcome many problems and offer many
    advantages that beset the CAD user, among these:

    -Multiple engineers may collaborate in real time without having to ask
    the other guy to "load that model read only".
    -There is only ever one "master model", not some mess distributed
    across many machines or boogered up on the filing system of the week
    or lost on some persons c: drive personal folder. No more
    -Trackable history that can be recoverd exactly as released, complete
    with cad models.
    - No concurrent change to models can happen (i.e. no parallel ECNs
    occur on the same part)
    -CAD model where-used shows other models effected by a change.
    -The ability to do queries and make reports about your cad date.

    This stuff rocks. It is the next big leap. Adapt or play catch up
    five years from now. Your choice people.



    (long rant but lets see the good)
    Sean-Michael Adams, Dec 5, 2003
  2. Sean-Michael Adams

    Chris Guest

    Bless you!
    Chris, Dec 6, 2003
  3. Sean-Michael Adams

    David Janes Guest

    Yeah, yeah, I know! Dont' they get on your nerves!?! You can't talk to them, can't
    explain, can't argue, they're just beyond reason, governed by some knee jerk
    reaction to anything new ~ any change has to be worse, they see conspiracies in
    everything (can we detect them by just mentioning Roswell and seeing if they go
    off on govt conspiracies to cover up flying saucers? just a thought), the
    followers of King Ludd. I am completely convinced that they all got through trade
    (or whatever) school, completely convinced that it was the last class they'd ever
    have to take, that they'd never have to learn another thing their whole lives
    because they'd already learned everything worthwhile.

    David Janes

    : PDM:
    : -Is annoying to learn.
    : -Forces you to work in a way that you have not normally worked.
    : -Costs money to buy and maintain.
    : -Usually requires some sort of an expert to maintain.
    : -Requires extra steps to change documents.
    : There has been a wave of PDM related question, comments and threads
    : lately.
    : This is largely driven by the addition of PDM works to the SolidWorks
    : professional suite.
    : So I ask the question:
    : The answer is:
    : I have been working with and administering our PDM system (Softech /
    : WTC's product center 8) with a few users,
    : mostly engineering, and have come to really appreciate what PDM can do
    : for an engineering group, let alone a whole company.
    : The reaction here at the company was/is mixed. Some people hate PDM
    : and are slow to embrace it, others take to it readily.
    : But after working with PDM, I have found it to be an indispensable
    : part of my work.
    : Running a multiple user / multiple configuration engineering group
    : without a PDM system is a lot like running a product company without
    : any MRP system.
    : Yes, you can do purchasing on ring binders and have lots of planners
    : to make sure you are not short parts, but you pay with higher labor
    : costs. With cad you can also jockey multiple file versions, or beg
    : each other form write permissions when the other guy has the model
    : locked.
    : MRP helps you plan and manage your procurement. PDM helps you manager
    : your product data.
    : I started my career in 1986 as a tool and die apprentice. The big
    : push at that time was for companies to use CNC and also to get into
    : CAD. I was lucky enough to have a chance to design a draw tool which
    : I accomplished with t-square and drafting board. There was a cad
    : station available with a not so legitimate copy of AutoCAD 9, which I
    : took to fervently! I started to learn CAD and so did a few of the
    : other guys in the shop. We soon abandoned the board and the diazo
    : machine and within a few years we were doing everything on CAD and
    : doing all of our wire cutting from CAD shapes.
    : By the early 90's people expected to do everything in CAD and could
    : not imagine anything else.
    : Things progressed and in 1994 I took another job as a tooling designer
    : and we used anvil-1000 ME. The big push was to implement 2D
    : parametrics for family of parts, for which they chose CADRA-3. This
    : worked great and the results were impressive. What a time saver. By
    : now the idea of parametrics had taken hold. People
    : wanted to reuse and modulate their geometry. Another step forward.
    : I moved on quickly and in 1995 landed at another company, again as a
    : designer. They were using my old favorite - AutoCAD. They were using
    : their cad data to program their laser and turrets. But on all the
    : tooling they used cad and paper prints. All the die plates were hand
    : programmed on at the CNC controller from dimensioned layouts. We saw
    : this as an area to improve and moved into CAM programming with
    : smartcam (along with a new 30 x 50 vmc). What a time and quality
    : improvement! Things were accelerating quickly and eventually we bought
    : 3 seats of SolidWorks in about 1998, which really revolutionized the
    : speed of flat part development and accuracy. Unfoldable sheet metal
    : from a single model! Awesome.
    : I took another job in 2001 as a mech designer. The company had just
    : purchased and was implementing a PDM system and had Solidworks as
    : well. This was all new to me and I didn't feel comfortable with it at
    : all, but I knew that this "was the next wave". The PDM implementation
    : was bumpy at times and at times thoughts of abandoning it overwhelmed
    : the mind, but we still persevered. I was lucky enough to be the right
    : hand man to the to the implementer and when he moved on to a better
    : job, I was allowed to administer the system.
    : Over the years I have seen many changes, and at every step of the way,
    : there are people who pissed and moaned about the new technology,
    : avoided it, cursed it and did everything in their power to guarantee
    : that it "was not viable". But still the new way of doing things
    : prevailed and eventually became the standard way of doing things.
    : On the other hand are the people who embrace new technology and take
    : advantage of it - these are the people who usually prosper. Wherever
    : people started, people eventually came to think "how could you
    : possibly do that sort of work without that tool?"
    : The question is "Which do you want to be?"
    : I too often see people focus on the negative aspects of a new tool and
    : utterly look past the great benefits that the tool gives.
    : For me I have seen PDM overcome many problems and offer many
    : advantages that beset the CAD user, among these:
    : -Multiple engineers may collaborate in real time without having to ask
    : the other guy to "load that model read only".
    : -There is only ever one "master model", not some mess distributed
    : across many machines or boogered up on the filing system of the week
    : or lost on some persons c: drive personal folder. No more
    : "versionitus".
    : -Trackable history that can be recoverd exactly as released, complete
    : with cad models.
    : - No concurrent change to models can happen (i.e. no parallel ECNs
    : occur on the same part)
    : -CAD model where-used shows other models effected by a change.
    : -The ability to do queries and make reports about your cad date.
    : This stuff rocks. It is the next big leap. Adapt or play catch up
    : five years from now. Your choice people.
    : Regards,
    : SMA
    : (long rant but lets see the good)
    David Janes, Dec 6, 2003
  4. Sean-Michael Adams

    matt Guest

    (Sean-Michael Adams) wrote in

    Great post, Sean. Applies to just about anything new.

    matt, Dec 6, 2003
  5. Sean-Michael Adams

    pete Guest

    I fully agree that a pdm system is required to keep full project control,
    what I don't agree with, is when a pdm system forces you to work one way and
    one way only.
    Different countries use different document control systems and this should
    be reflected in the software, especially if this software is going to be
    sold around the world. If Microsoft only sold windoze... and office in an
    American language, they would not be as big as they are today. They saw the
    need to stop being "so bloody American" and adapted, they gave their
    customers what they wanted.
    "You will be assimilated" & "you will comply" are the phrases from the Borg,
    but it seems that PDMWorks have adopted these and that you must comply if
    you want to use this software! Even Solidworks resellers have written some
    pdm software, because PDMWorks is so lacking.
    My VAR had a good pdm, but has now stopped supporting it, why?, quote,"
    Because of conflicting ethical and financial interests, now that PDMWorks
    is now part of Solidworks". Sounds like a thumb's screw to me.

    "It's a free world, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion", well it
    still is and they still are, in the UK.
    pete, Dec 7, 2003
  6. Sean-Michael Adams

    Shane Guest

    Hi All,
    I'd like to add another perspective to this debate as I sit somewhere
    in between the two positions of PDM enthusiast and PDM hater. I have
    recently finished working for a couple of years implementing SmarTeam
    for a SolidWorks VAR and have mixed opinions on the merits of PDM. I
    see PDM as an essential part of the development of 3D CAD management,
    but it's far from a mature product currently, and is not working very
    rapidly toward that goal. I have dealt with irritating anti
    change/progress people also but I don't think that the majority of
    complaints regarding PDM on this newsgroup are coming from them. I
    think that the complaints come from people who have spent big dollars
    based on incorrect/inaccurate/ignorant advice from salespeople.

    I am also acutely aware that there is far more to be considered in the
    selection of PDM than the technology itself. The company behind the
    product is just as important.

    On the technology side I see some major issues that need to addressed
    internally within SolidWorks before any PDM product is going to work
    efficiently. Firstly basic revision management. The thing that
    triggers SWX to prompt for a save is the same switch that is used by
    SmarTeam to trigger revisioning, for instance, to prompt for a
    revision increment. I'm guessing that the dirty flag in the file (the
    trigger of change) is a system created by microsoft, and while it's ok
    to do a couple of redundant saves on a word document, it's clearly not
    ok to do another revision because you have opened a file and looked at
    the custom properties.

    You can easily see this behaviour: create a dummy file, say a block,
    save it and close it, open it again and look at the custom properties,
    go to close it and you will be prompted to save the document, SWX
    thinks that it has changed. This is not acceptable. For the PDM
    package to be efficient this behavior MUST become more intelligent,
    otherwise the user needs to be acutely aware of which files have
    changed and which files SWX "thinks" have changed when checking in
    assemblies etc. Not a very helpful tool otherwise. I suppose the PDM
    packages could ask if you meant to change the file when it detects the
    change (as SmarTeam does, PDMWorks certainly did not last time I saw

    Also the PDM package must be able to disable the "all configuration"
    modification option within SolidWorks for proper configuration
    management to function. Look at this scenario with configuration
    management in SmarTeam:
    Check out one configuration while all others remain checked in.
    Change a dimension without noticing that "all configurations" is on in
    the dialog box.
    Go to check in that configuration and SmarTeam tries to check in all
    the other configurations because they have changed,
    Then SmarTeam asks why you are trying to check in documents that are
    not checked out and shits itself.
    The PDM package and SWX must become more connected and I'm sure that
    it was the recognition of that fact that lead the SWX corp acquiring
    PDMWorks. It just needs more time.

    Both these situations can be worked around if you know what's going
    on, but try explaining to someone who has just spent $100,000+ on a
    tool to manage their CAD documents that they now need to know more
    about file management than they did without this tool to "help" them.
    They have usually bought the PDM package because they were having
    trouble in the first place. I guarantee you that the salesperson did
    not explain it to them.

    Both these problems may have been addressed now. Even if they have
    the products were happily being sold as solutions when they were

    So getting on to the company side of things, I have only really dealt
    with SmatSolutions/SmarTeam so I can only go on those experiences. It
    is said that if you have nothing pleasant to say you should not speak
    at all, so I will say very little about SmarTeam as a company except,
    knowing what I know from dealing directly with them I would NEVER
    purchase any product that had anything to do with that company. It
    pains me that they are so closely connected with SWX. In the two
    years of my supporting SmarTeam the company never admitted to one bug
    in the program, although they would subsequently release service packs
    that fixed the problems that never existed. I may have been in
    contact with a few bad eggs that have negatively coloured my opinion,
    but it was consistent enough to make me believe that it was company
    policy. This is in total contrast to dealing directly with SWX
    support which was always very professional and totally without
    bullshit. If you think SWX is making you do their bug checking for
    them, buy SmarTeam, you will then think SWX is the epitome of quality
    software. The product itself is OK, it's a massive shame about the
    company behind it.

    Also on the reseller level, anyone who posts to this news group and is
    a paid employee of a VAR is providing biased information. They have a
    vested interest in attacking anyone who complains about the software,
    it's despicable and gutless in my opinion. I've seen it on numerous
    occasions over the three years I've been watching this newsgroup,
    particularly regarding PDM. If you work for a VAR and post to this
    newsgroup it should be noted in your posts if the post is not purely
    technical assistance. What have you got to hide?

    So that's my perspective on PDM and SmarTeam particularly. Knowing
    what I know now, I am in the progress of scripting the basic PDM
    actions for the company I work for (I still use SWX daily). It will
    be cheaper and a far better fit to our organizations workflow.
    Currently I would recommend to anyone else to do the same. At the
    same time I'll keep my eye on the technology and the problems will get
    worked out eventually, at which point I'll swith to a PDM package. I
    wont be holding my breath for that day to come.

    Shane, Dec 8, 2003
  7. Sean-Michael Adams

    kellnerp Guest

    I like your approach, BUT, I wonder if SW ever thought of PDM when they
    first created their CAD software? SW seems so PDM unfriendly.
    kellnerp, Dec 8, 2003
  8. Sean-Michael Adams

    Kevin Guest

    First let me say I do not work for SmarTeam or any VAR. I read your
    post and I can't help but feel bad about your position regarding
    SmarTeam (as a company). I have been using SmarTeam since it's
    existence in the US (late 90's). I try to work closely with my VAR to
    address problems/bugs and I guess I've had the fortunate luck of not
    being led around by SmarTeam. Yes they are not exactly the fastest
    responding group of software developers, but I have found that their
    delays in responding to problems comes from having to contact Israel
    for answers. I report a bug/problem, it goes to US Support who in
    turn send it to Israel where the waiting game starts. It also helps
    to have the right contacts here in the US to push things along. I'm
    not going to name names, but I frequently talk to sales and territory
    manager, occasionally product developers, etc. here in the US which
    help strengthen out relationship.

    I agree their integration (ST/SWX) is not as strong as I'd like to see
    it. It should be better than it is. Configurations have always been
    a pain in ST, but it's not a fully mature software yet either. Hell,
    no PDM software is mature by any means. We made the decision very
    early on in using ST that we weren't going to store configurations in
    ST because it was poor. And this was way back in the v2.X days.

    Granted ST might not be the right fit for your company, but there are
    others that offer different feature that might benefit your
    processes/workflow better. I personally can say ST was a good fit for
    my company and I would/have recommended it. Not blindly recommending
    it though. I have talked to companies looking at ST and answered
    their questions honestly and openly in regards to it's strengths and
    weaknesses. After that it's their call.

    I wish you luck with scripting your custom PDM software and hope we
    see a PDM tool strong enough to tackle all our needs.

    Kevin Carpenter
    CAD Systems Specialist
    Invacare Corp.
    Kevin, Dec 10, 2003
  9. Sean-Michael Adams

    Len K. Mar Guest


    You make some valid points with respect to the state of current PDM
    applications. Over zelous sales people promising the world but
    delivering nothing but headaches has left a pretty bad taste in most
    peoples mouths when it comes to PDMs. Is there any doubt why PDM has
    been rebadged as PLM and MRP, MRP II has now been supersized (new and
    improved) to ERP.

    However, where I'm going to agree to disagree with you is in
    recommending people to write their own PDM program.

    I am curently tweeking a DBWorks for a client. The out-of the box
    program deals with 70-75% of their business process needs (your
    company number may vary). The remaining 25-30% is being met by
    modifying supplied demo script files to perform the needed functions.
    DBWorks has an open API that comes with the $800.00 program (unlike
    PDM/Works which costs you an additional 5K for the enterprise version-
    note this statement was valid 12 months ago - the last time I checked
    with my VAR).

    Configuration revsion control, workflow, file locking, released
    database, are just a few of the built in capablities.

    My point is not to push a particular software package but to
    illustrate the following point:

    PDM systems like MRP/ERP systems are complicated pieces of software.
    There are a multitude of inter-relationships to maintain correctly in
    order for them to work. If it was easy we wouldn't be having this
    discussion (Its not like I've ever had to negotiate a restocking
    charge for thousands of dollars of "wrong" parts that the system

    However, why re-invent the wheel when you can modify existing software
    to "bend" it the way you need to. An 800.00 dollar piece of software
    with open architecture (full API) that uses VBscript,
    Access/MSDE/SQL/Oracle (your choice), MS access control, non-encrypted
    vault, tie it into any ODBC complient database vs. home grown version.

    Just another viewpoint from someone who has gone through the same
    "issues" you have..........

    Len K. Mar, Dec 11, 2003
  10. Sean-Michael Adams

    Shane Guest

    HI Len,
    I agree. It's just that I'm now a single user of SolidWorks in the
    company I work for so it's not worth the hassle of PDM, much easier to
    write a few scripts. If I was in a multi user environment, where
    users are working on the same assembly, I'd probably be looking for a
    PDM package, just not Maxwell Smart(eam).
    Best Regards,
    Shane, Dec 16, 2003
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