PDM: vault's structure

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John23, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. John23

    John23 Guest

    I am trying to figure out by myself what is a good folders' structure
    to use with PDMworks. From what I have read on this newsgroup, trying
    to reproduce a Windows folders' structure into PDMworks' vault is not
    a good practice. For example, the way we work now is that a top-level
    assembly is stored into one folder and all the different sub-assemblies
    are stored into their own sub-folders by types of equipment. Is this
    kind of system appropriate for the vault structure or should all the
    sub-assemblies be put together with the top-assembly?
    And If I choose to separate everything, when I check the top-level in,
    is there a way to make PDMworks place every sub-assemblies into their
    respective sub-folders? From what I understand so far (I could be
    wrong), it needs to be done manually. So then, isn't it more
    efficient to put everything together in one single folder and not try
    to create any kind of structure.
    I know you should use the custom properties and a basic Excel register
    to make enquiries. But then, what is the kind of folders' structure
    that should exist in the vault and what is the goal of this structure?
    I also don't understand why PDMworks gives the name "project" for
    what seems to be folders. Does it mean we need to work by projects? We
    Could someone gives a simple example of a transition from a Windows
    structure to a PDMworks vault structure so I can start to understand
    how to set up things. Even though a set-up is really company-specific,
    I know there is general guidelines and I would like to hear about them.
    I don't have preconceived ideas of how it should work. I just want to
    have the picture of a good implementation scenario.
    SW2005 SP3.0, PDMworks2005
    John23, Jun 9, 2005
  2. John23

    matt Guest

    I'm surprised that the obligatory DB shill has not done his drive-by
    posting to say just off the cuff and without explanation that "DBWorks
    can do that out of the box". I don't dislike the product, but there's
    something rather banqueresque about those posts.

    There are two basic ideas that you need to keep in mind for creating
    pdmw "projects" (it's just a name, you can call it "folders" if you
    want, I won't tell): permissions and browsability. By the way, most of
    this advice will probably also apply to other pdm products.

    Permissions are assigned per user per project. I have seen people
    create the structure based on:

    - document type
    - part function
    - department that created it or will use it
    - project
    - customer
    - part number (kind of useless)

    Often you can combine strategies, such as make the upper level "by
    function" and the second level "by document type". That would mean that
    if you design race engines, you would have:

    - top level engine assemblies
    - drawings
    - models
    - common library components
    - engine blocks
    - drawings, engine blocks
    - models, engine blocks
    - induction
    - drawings, induction
    - models, induction
    - exhaust
    - drawings, exhaust
    - models, exhaust

    This is probably my favorite method, but it really depends on your
    business. If you have various types of equipment that you make, there
    might be another level of hierarchy on top, such as Engines,
    Transmissions, Brakes, etc.

    I like to separate models (assemblies and parts) from drawings because
    of permissions. Non-sw users who look into the vault do not want to see
    stuff they can't use, and in many cases that means that they only want
    to see drawings.

    I'm a big advocate of using a common library area, but again, there are
    a lot of ways of doing this. There are parts that will be used in all
    the categories or at least in multiple categories, and those go into the
    common library area.

    There is no way for PDMW to parse out different document types to
    different folders, but after they are in the first time, they will
    always go to the same folder by default for subsequent revisions. For
    that reason, I don't get carried away with putting this here, that
    there, etc., cuz it's a lot of initial work.

    It also depends on how you work. If you tend to build the whole assy
    and then check it and all the parts in, you're going to have to specify
    each file that goes somewhere else. If you tend to build a part and
    then check it in, there will be less work later.

    Anyway, good luck,

    matt, Jun 9, 2005
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