PDM Mass Drawing Backup

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Doug Rodenkirch, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. Hello all,

    I am looking for a way of making a CD to send to a client. THe project
    has 300+ parts and assemblies and 100+ drawings. The solid models are
    easy to get them (open top level assembly and select all under
    references and uncheck the open now box and and dump them all into the
    desired directory) but when it comes to getting the drawings out of
    the PDM vault for a certain project and copying them to a local
    directory to put them on a CD. The problem at least what i have found
    is that you manually have to open every single drawing separately and
    unclick the open now box and change the "save in" path to the desired
    path. And repeat and repeat and repeat until all done. There has to be
    a better way and less time consuming method.

    Any help or shortcuts would be a great help........

    Doug Rodenkirch
    Doug Rodenkirch, Feb 24, 2004
  2. Doug Rodenkirch

    T.Brown Guest


    I don't know what PDM you have (I'm guessing PDMworks) but what
    you're talking about is not something you should do manually. We use
    RevZone from which you can do exactly that, an export through "Briefcase"
    and this is then imported from the other side exactly with all links and
    The client works on the files, exports the project and we re-import it back
    with everything in order (including revision history of any changes he's
    made as well)


    T.Brown, Feb 24, 2004
  3. Doug Rodenkirch

    Len K. Mar Guest


    Right click on project and select BackupTools
    Go for coffee and when you come back you have a zip file waiting for
    DBWorks2004. Which PDM system are you using?

    Len K. Mar, Feb 25, 2004
  4. Len,

    I am currently using PDM/works 2001. Which is a problem because we
    must work in whatever our client has or requests. Is DBWorks2004 the
    PDM version for 2004 release? Which we are not using at this time.

    Doug Rodenkirch, Feb 25, 2004
  5. Doug Rodenkirch

    Len K. Mar Guest


    I'm having a difficult time reconciling the fact you must use whatever
    your client has or requests (PDM?)--- yet are burning a CD for them?

    Are you porting PDM data directly to your client in a 1:1
    relationship? (i.e. mirrored site) or are you just supplying them with
    finished documentation? Do they import the PDM stucture into their

    If it is the latter, what concern is it of the client other than it
    being a "controlled" system in which you can export the finished
    structure to them?

    Could you please provide more information?

    DBWorks2004 is a SW PDM Add-In by a third party (Gold Partner -
    MechWorks). It is a very capable product. One I quickly adopted and
    recommend to my clients -- even after using PDM\Works for 3 years.

    Len K. Mar, PEng.
    E-data Solutions
    Len K. Mar, Feb 26, 2004
  6. Len,

    Without going deep into it, i work for a contract engineering firm. So
    when our client approached us for this job our objective was to take a
    product from sketches to production. We are in the pre-production
    stage and are required to send out all drawings and solid models as
    requested by various vendors. As far as being required to use 2001+
    and PDM/works its our clients request and has to do with Federal
    Requlations (FDA)and their internal audits. It was something new to
    our firm but we have to abide to their standards. As far as PDM side
    is concerned our firm is the only company in this project using
    PDM/works so we can track revisions. So whenever our client or vendor
    asks for drawings or in my case a complete database backup once a week
    it gets time consuming. I know this might not make since its a strange
    situation. Sorry if its still confusing but the short version is i
    need to get info out of PDM/works2001 in a rather simple and timeless

    I hope this helps and thanks for you help on this issue.

    Doug Rodenkirch
    Doug Rodenkirch, Feb 26, 2004
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