PDF995 & PMP files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Reid M. Addis, Feb 6, 2004.

  1. Okay, I've searched every group and every thread and still need help. Here
    the skinny
    1. Using ADT3.3
    2. All 40+ stations using same OS, Windows 2000P
    3. All 40+ stations pointing to folders on a network drive for plotting
    4. Only I have read/write privileges to this drive. Everyone else is read
    5. Using pdf995 and pdfedit995, Version 6.15, same install on all stations.
    6. At my station, I "expose" only the sheet sizes I want, such as Arch E1,
    Tabloid, etc. There are 10 paper sizes that were edited and presumably saved
    to the appropriate PMP file on the network.
    7. All other sheet sizes have been filtered out.
    8. PMP and PC3 files updated and saved.
    9. At my station ONLY do these settings appear correctly. At all other
    stations, various weird combinations of sheet sizes appear in the Page Setup
    or Plot dialog box Paper size drop down list. Many of the 10 sizes I've set
    as defaults in the PMP file don't appear on other peoples machines.
    10. This does NOT happen for other PMP and PC3 files. We use KIP and HP
    plotters, and the PMP and PC3 files work identically for these plotters.

    I'm in contact with the developers of pdf995, which other than for this
    glitch, is a great product for a great price. They are not AutoCAD experts
    so they do not know why this is happening. I guess my general questions,
    other than HELP!!!!! are:

    1. What is stored in PMP vs. PC3 files? I believe the PMP file contains only
    customization and filtering of sheet sizes.
    2. What would cause the same PMP file to be read differently on different
    machines which theoretically are fairly identical, besides the network
    access privileges.

    Any and all thoughts are welcome!
    Reid M. Addis
    Registered Architect
    Architectural Applications Specialist
    Granary Associates
    411 North 20th Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Ph. 215-665-7056
    Reid M. Addis, Feb 6, 2004
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