PCL3, 4, 5

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RandyB, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. RandyB

    RandyB Guest

    I sent .PLT files to a blue printer electronically for plotting.
    They got an error message "Could not read PCL3".
    They need PCL 4 or PCL 5.
    I use archtectural desktop.

    What are PCL formats and how do I make PCL4 or 5 formats?
    RandyB, Jan 28, 2004
  2. RandyB

    kstill Guest

    your printer is probably using a freebee. A state of the art printer doesn't
    care what program creates the file they can print any plt file
    kstill, Jan 28, 2004
  3. If it is for large size plots, I doubt that your blue printer wants a(ny)
    PCL file. Was your PCL3 file made with a driver for a DesignJet 500? That
    can only be used for a DesignJet 500; there's no other plotter or plot
    software in the market that uses (understands) this plotting language. It is
    more likely that they want HPGL/2 (made with a driver for one of the other
    DesignJets - preferably one AutoCAD's own HDI drivers) or VIC (made with the
    VIC driver from Oce, specifically for Oce Reprodesk), or perhaps PostScript
    or PDF.

    Govert J. Knopper, Jan 28, 2004
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