Dear all, I have created a layout project and when i insert an instance from PRIMLIB such as an NMOS or PMOS transistor I get an instance with this message "pcellevalfailed" with these related errors : *Error* eval: unbound variable - amsCdsPid *Error* load: error while loading file - -"export/home/utilitaires/ AMS_Design_Kit/Design_Kit_2005/ams_v3.70/artist/HK_C35/pcells/ as_rod_pcells.ile" *Error* load: error while loading file - "/export/home/utilitaires/ AMS_Design_Kit/Design_Kit_2005/ams_v3.70/artist/HK_C35/skill/" *WARNING* Pcell evaluation for PRIMLIB/nmos4/layout has the following error(s): *WARNING* ("eval" 0 t nil ("*Error* eval: undefined function" rodlg_createTransistor)) *WARNING* Error kept in "errorDesc" property of the label "pcellEvalFailed" on layer/purpose "marker/error" in the submaster. thanks for your help,