
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by aditya, Jun 12, 2004.

  1. aditya

    aditya Guest

    I am using NCSU CDK 1.3 with latest (5.x.x) version . I am trying to
    generate a pcell from the NCSU ami 0.5 library . I get a box in my
    layout editor "pcellEvalFailed" . I checked if the macro is present .
    There is a layout present for the pcell but it is empty . I guess the
    error is bcaz there is no layout in the macro(Pcell). B4 doing all
    this I hapened to delete a ami1.5 library accidentally . Did this
    effect the macros in 0.5 AMI library????. I am stumped I do not know
    how to reinstall the whole kit again .

    Is this problem solvable with out reinstalling the kit???? Or am I
    cmpltely lost on this poblem.

    any help would be appeciated

    aditya, Jun 12, 2004
  2. aditya

    aditya Guest

    This was a stupid question to ask in the firest plcae . I didnt
    compile the tech library so no wonder the pcells were not there . I
    figured this out after posting the message.
    aditya, Jun 12, 2004
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