Pcell, Label and orientation.

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bu-bu, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. bu-bu

    bu-bu Guest

    Hello !!

    I have a small question...

    With "[@instanceName]", i can display the name of my pcell.

    Is there a command to extract the orientation of my pcell ? I would
    like my labels to be easily readable if i rotate it...
    Just to avoid stiff neck.

    Thanks and regards,

    bu-bu, Aug 8, 2008
  2. bu-bu wrote, on 08/08/08 03:00:
    Pcells should never try to look up information about how they are instantiated,
    except via the parameters that are passed in. There is a way of doing it, but it
    will only lead to incorrect behaviour. In essence, the only thing that triggers
    the pcell code to be evaluated is a change in the formal pcell parameters.
    That means that the code for two instance which have the same parameters but
    only differ in orientation will only get called once - so if you tried to
    figure out the orientation of a label based on instantiation, it would simply
    use whichever got instantiated first. Bit of luck, really, as to which that
    would be - so it's a BAD idea.


    Andrew Beckett, Aug 8, 2008
  3. bu-bu

    bu-bu Guest

    Hello Andrew,

    Thanks for your answer ^^ Let's go for neck twisting!
    bu-bu, Aug 13, 2008
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