pcb crosstalk/signal integrity analysis

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Johnny Chang, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Johnny Chang

    Johnny Chang Guest

    does anyone have any general guidelines and perhaps some tutorials for
    allegro SI for designing around crosstalk, signal integrity, pcb
    constraints for timing and manufacturability?

    my knowlege on the subject:

    i've taken various E&M courses so i know the theory behind it, and am
    taking a digital systems class so i've ventured into the experimental
    side, but its mostly been with transmission lines and not pcb traces
    with hundreds of nets. what can be done besides ground/power planes
    close to signal, thick/far apart traces, and slower rise times?

    i only know a bit about bypass caps, heard something about parallel
    plane pairs(?) and routing topology (something about short nets acting
    as shields to long parallel nets?). can anyone explain those? and
    tutorials / documentation examples for putting it all together in
    software (how to use constraints?)
    Johnny Chang, Mar 31, 2008
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