Paul, I feel your SW pain.....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dvanzile, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. dvanzile

    dvanzile Guest

    I rarely design complex shapes, however, I currently have a couple of
    parts that require a complex surface loft. Being on SP0, installed SP2
    yesterday assuming they had fixed a lot of bugs. Now, my few complex
    lofts look
    like crap and have split lines when they were perfect before. So, I'm
    back on SP0 again until further notice. I know a lot of people treat
    SolidWorks almost as a religion (me included at one time) however, I
    am truely a non-believer now. These inconsistantcies are almost scary
    sometimes! In fact, that's what they should rename the software
    to...... ScaryWorks... I'm scared evertime I upgrade or change service
    packs... err Scary Packs! Anyways, Paul, I feel sorry for you because
    it seems you deal with complex shapes in all your designs. What are
    the chances of changing the publics eye into thinking that boxy and
    square stuff is sexy again? Yea, I didn't think so.

    I think I'll skip Scary Pack 2.1 and maybe try again with Scary Pack 3
    dvanzile, Jan 8, 2004
  2. Thanks, man.

    It is scary sometimes and most recently for sp1, now sp2, I had to
    confirm if the model I created in SW2003 sp5 would resolve.
    Sadly both fail in sp1 and sp2. Now.. with some time and effort, I can
    fix them but why should I or the users have too?
    We are only talking 2-3 months difference between these releases!

    It's totally unacceptable.

    Paul Salvador, Jan 8, 2004
  3. Paul,
    Need a hug? I'm passing them out.

    Seriously, if I had one wish to grant it would be that all of your
    SolidWorks problems would be resolved. Maybe this is the year you will agree
    to help them help you? If you can fix the errors that crop up between
    releases, surely you have an understanding about why this might be

    I'm not trying to rile you, I'm trying to understand.

    Richard "Buddy" Doyle
    Richard Doyle, Jan 8, 2004
  4. dvanzile

    MM Guest


    Yea,.. they just can't seem to get it right. It would be excusable if this
    were new, ground breaking technology, but it's not.

    Libraries of rock solid C++ NURBS source has been available for many many
    years. Some of them are even free!! Why SW thinks they have to re-invent the
    wheel, for this very common technology, is beyond me.


    MM, Jan 9, 2004
  5. Hey Mark,

    Totally agree. But I'd luv to hear the excuses they have!?

    Someone is stroking the oscar meyer winnie for job security!

    Paul Salvador, Jan 9, 2004
  6. Hey Richard,

    You know, I'm in a pretty mellow mood right now (skied hard for 3 hrs,
    listening to jazz.) and for most people who know me, that's actually
    Sp releases like this though, don't help anyone or SW Corp.

    I appreciate your support and in general, for everyone, especially for
    the beginning of the year, most of us want the best for all.

    Most of us have to agree, there is something consistently wrong with SW

    Come on now, most of use use these tools for consistent, repeatable and
    reliable operation, no!?

    At this point in time, the loft inconsistencies are beyond unacceptable.

    All the best, Richard. (I know you mean well)

    ... 8^)
    Paul Salvador, Jan 9, 2004
  7. dvanzile

    Jeff N Guest

    Welp, SolidWorks has always been focused on listening to the users. For some
    reason I think they choose what they want to hear.

    I think someone is stroking the oscar meyer winnie instead of doing their
    Jeff N, Jan 9, 2004
  8. It's confirmed,.. something is getting stroked.

    Just wonder,.. if the guy or guys who write the algorithms read this

    Whoever you are, great inconsistent work!!??

    Paul Salvador, Jan 9, 2004
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