Pattern sheet metal bends?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bb, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. bb

    bb Guest

    I have sheet metal part with a cutout that contains a two bends. How
    do I pattern the cutout feature and bends? I've tried both linear &
    sketch pattern and neither function allows me to pattern the bends with
    the cutout. Any helps is appreciated.

    bb, Jun 23, 2005
  2. bb

    remy martin Guest

    Sheetmetal Bends cannot be patterned.
    remy martin, Jun 23, 2005
  3. bb

    remy martin Guest

    Create a lance tool (sheetmetal) to do this.
    remy martin, Jun 23, 2005
  4. Hi BB-

    If you are using base-flange, then you cannot generally pattern your
    sheet metal specific features.

    But if you are using insert-bends, you can accomplish this with ease by
    patterning "pre-bend" insertion (roll back before sheet metal).
    Additionally, if your pattern is linear and all the resulting bend
    panels are planar, you could combine them into a single sketch yielding
    multiple bends.

    Regardless, you may not pattern any sheet-metal specific feature in
    either modeling mode. Personally, I prefer the insert-bends mode for
    the more open modeling techniques. The base-flange is a bit weak and
    there are some techniques that are prohibited. Much like boxing with
    one hand tied behind your back.

    If you can post a model, maybe we all could give some advice.

    In any case, best wishes.

    Sean-Michael Adams, Jun 24, 2005
  5. You can pattern the sheetmetal bend without any problems. Make your cut out
    first and pattern it. Then create your flange and pattern it seperately. I
    do this all the time and works quite well.

    Richard Charney, Jun 24, 2005
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