Path of loaded application

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by WBaxter, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. WBaxter

    WBaxter Guest

    Is there a function in either lisp or vlisp which will report the pathname
    that a given app was loaded from. In VB6 it is simply 'Path = App.Path'. I
    want to be able to have external configuration files residing with the
    program, but with all the ways to load a program, I don't know where to have
    the program look for the configuration files if they are not in a directory
    that is specifically on the Autocad search path.

    I found the 'FullName Property' on ActiveX - VBA help but is there a way to
    access that from Lisp or Vlisp?
    WBaxter, Aug 13, 2003
  2. WBaxter

    Murph Guest

    (findfile filename)

    Murph, Aug 13, 2003
  3. WBaxter

    WBaxter Guest

    What if it is in a directory not specifically included on the Autocad search
    path? Like it was loaded with the Load Application dialog using the
    file-browse technique.
    WBaxter, Aug 13, 2003
  4. WBaxter

    Murph Guest

    We have to wait and see if anyone else replies that the only one I can think
    of right now.

    Murph, Aug 13, 2003
  5. No but there is a function in ObjectARX that wil ldo this for you.
    Fortunately, it's already been gift-wrapped in DOSLIB.ARX.
    Frank Oquendo, Aug 13, 2003
  6. WBaxter

    WBaxter Guest

    I found it.

    From the DosLib help:

    Command: (dos_lisplist t)

    ("C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD 2002\\express\\acetutil.fas" "C:\\Program
    Files\\AutoCAD 2002\\express\\acetauto.LSP" "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD
    2002\\support\\acettest.fas" "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD
    2002\\support\\legacy\\dwfout\\dwfout.lsp" "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD
    2002\\support\\acad2000.FAS" "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD
    2002\\support\\acad2000doc.FAS" "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD
    2002\\Support\\acad.mnl" "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD

    I haven't tried it yet but DosLib has never let me down yet.

    Thank you

    By the way, if anyone is a binary person they will agree that your statement
    is clever.
    WBaxter, Aug 13, 2003
  7. Simply finding a file in a given location with a matching name is no
    guarantee you've found the file that was actually loaded.
    Frank Oquendo, Aug 13, 2003
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