Passing on attribute info

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Arnoud, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. Arnoud

    Arnoud Guest

    I've created a context menu item in POP515:

    ID_Att_Info [&Attribuut info]^C^C-vbarun "UmmSearch (var as string)"

    I would like to pass on the attribute textstrings of the selected item to a procedure "Ummsearch ( var as string)"

    I have tried some things in VLisp (entget, ssget etc) but when selecting a blockreference, all I get is the block data and not the attribute data.

    Any ideas?
    Arnoud, Dec 24, 2003
  2. Arnoud

    ECCAD Guest

    Here is how to extract Attribute(s).
    Public Function Get_Attr (str_Block, str_Attr) As String
    Dim intItems As Integer
    Dim MyBlock As AcadBlockReference
    str_Attr = "?"
    With ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    For intItems = 0 to ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.count - 1
    If .Item(intItems).EntityType = acBlockReference Then
    Set MyBlock = .Item(intItems)
    If str_Block = MyBlock.Name Then
    str_Attr = MyBlock.GetAttributes(0).TextString
    Exit For
    End If
    End If
    Next intItems
    End With
    Return str_Attr
    End Function

    Bob Shaw
    ECCAD, Dec 24, 2003
  3. Design the procedure *not* to accept the string as an argument, but rather
    use the Utility object's GetString method to ask for the string, and pass
    that via the macro:


    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | I've created a context menu item in POP515:
    | ID_Att_Info [&Attribuut info]^C^C-vbarun "UmmSearch (var as string)"
    | I would like to pass on the attribute textstrings of the selected item to
    a procedure "Ummsearch ( var as string)"
    | I have tried some things in VLisp (entget, ssget etc) but when selecting a
    blockreference, all I get is the block data and not the attribute data.
    | Any ideas?
    R. Robert Bell, Dec 30, 2003
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