Passing a sub to a function???

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mark Dubbelaar, May 13, 2004.

  1. hi

    i was wondering if it is possible to pass a sub routine into a function in a different project. I have some standard functions and subs, one of which opens a list of drawings and does something to them. i usually put this 'something' into another sub routine. ie...

    open drawing

    'run my sub

    close my drawing

    currently i'm adding a reference to these common subs and functions. what i was hoping to do was... in a new project, reference the 'open / close' sub from the common project and also pass a sub (which is in the new project) to the 'open / close' referenced project. ie.

    ->Module1 (opens / closes)

    NewProject (with reference to CommonProject)
    ->Module1 (runs CommonProject.Module1.OpenClose passes NewProject.Module2.DisplayMsgbox to it)
    ->Module2 (displays msgbox)

    i'm thinking to only way to do it would be to add a reference in th CommonProject to the NewProject.

    any help would be great, i'm not to sure if i'm explaining myself right either.


    Mark Dubbelaar, May 13, 2004
  2. Mark Dubbelaar

    bcoward Guest


    This seems like common functionality that you can encapsulate in a

    While referencing other projects is a viable solution it looks like, if I read you correctly, you want a msgbox class.


    Bob Coward
    CADS, Inc

    bcoward, May 13, 2004
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