Partial Menu question:

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BillZ, Jul 28, 2003.

  1. BillZ

    BillZ Guest

    R14 Autolisp:
    Two questions about a program I'm building.
    1.) When I use menuunload to unload the previous toolbar menu and menuload to load it, the toolbar is "hidden" and I have to right click on a toolbar and turn it "on". It just started doing this as it worked fine the first several times I used it.
    (write-line "ID_LAYERS_DISPLAY_0 [_Toolbar(\"LAYERS_DISPLAY\", _Floating, _Show, 100, 300, 1)]" mfl)
    This is the line that defines the toolbar. Am I missing something here?
    2.)How do I embed the newline character when I need double quotes?
    (princ \" \n Layer list string too long.\") , this does *not* work, neither does: (princ \" \\n Layer list string too long.\")

    BillZ, Jul 28, 2003
  2. BillZ

    BillZ Guest

    The toolbar problem appears to be when the toolbar is "hidden" when I exit the dwg, from then on, when I create the new toolbar, it comes up as hidden, even though I have un-hided it before creating the new one. In other words if I un-hide it, and leave autocad and restart autocad, then all is well again.

    BillZ, Jul 28, 2003
  3. BillZ

    BillZ Guest

    Place it in "where"?

    >>You've found the Show command... place it in there ... as one of the last commands (in LISP, of course).<<<

    BillZ, Jul 28, 2003
  4. BillZ

    PF Guest

    I use the Menu.MNL file to force startup conditions...

    You've found the Show command... place it in there ... as one of the last
    commands (in LISP, of course).
    PF, Jul 28, 2003
  5. BillZ

    PF Guest

    (Sorry you needed to wait for me to return)
    Place you SHOW command in an MNL file...


    When they travel in pairs... the MENU loads... then it runs the MNL... just
    build a LSP file and rename it to *.MNL.
    PF, Jul 29, 2003
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