I have a sketch of a circle projected onto a surface. Because of these underlying surfaces the circle gets divided into 4 segments. I want to use 2 of those segments as a chain in a boundary blend (WF 3.0). I can't do it. I can pick one segment of the circle as a chain, or I can pick the whole circle, but not 2 segments. If I hold down the shift key and pick the second segment it will treat this as a second chain, not 2 segments in one chain. If I go to "details" and "rule based" I get the option for "partial loop", which sounds like what I want, but I can't get that to work. It says "Include all items of the loop reference between anchor and extent reference", but I still can't pick more than one segment with or without the shift key and picking the ends doesn't work either. I've worked around this for this particular feature, by making the circle divide into 2 instead of 4, but I would like to know how to use this partial loop thing. In 2001 you could select individual entities or segments to make a chain.