Partial load menu Autocad 13

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by d_r_wright, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. d_r_wright

    d_r_wright Guest


    The following line of code works fine in ACAD 2004 but not in R13. I have to work at a customer site for a couple of months and use R13 on their computer. I have a lot of LISP that I saved from my R13 days but have had to revise some of the newer stuff that I have made since then to work with 13. Anyone have a clue what I can do to test for a Menu in 13?

    (if (not (menugroup "conduit"))(command "menuload" "c:/r13/win/support/conduit.mns"))

    d_r_wright, Oct 14, 2004
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