Part remains hidden

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mac Harper, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. Mac Harper

    Mac Harper Guest

    I'm new at this... I hid a part in the assembly and can't get it back. The
    part file also has turned invisible, although the tree looks okay. Help,
    Mac Harper, Dec 3, 2003
  2. Well you can search the tree the part you hid should show as a clear block
    instead of a yellow one. If you have many parts then you have to do them
    one by one. There are some utilities out there to help handle this type of
    stuff, i believe most of them are free. I wrote one that gives you a
    preview of the part. If you would like to use it send me an e-mail and I'll
    send it right over.

    Corey Scheich, Dec 3, 2003
  3. Mac Harper

    kenneth b Guest

    open the part, rmb on ANY feature, Show Solid Body

    hehe :)
    kenneth b, Dec 3, 2003
  4. If you know you only have that part hidden, or maybe only a few identifiable
    ones, you can highlight all the items in the Feature Tree, then go to
    Edit\Show with Dependents and decide what configs it applies to, if you have
    more than one. This will "unhide" everything down to the last, deepest

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 3, 2003
  5. hehe is right - in SW2004, it no longer works that way. You can only click
    the LAST feature that contributes to the solid body to Show/Hide.

    I have presonally complained in the past that surfaces didn't work like
    solids; we could conveniently show/hide on any feature in the solid, but
    only the last feature that contributes to a surface could be clicked for a
    show/hide. So, in a viscious attemtp at consistency, instead of fixing the
    way surfaces work they screwed up the way solids work. Way to go (insert
    insult here).

    They will of course excuse themselves by pointing to the bodies folder at
    the top of the tree - but if you have many hidden bodies, some copies of
    others, its a severe waste of productivity to find the correct one to

    Maybe the guy who was charged with this fucntionality was leaving the
    company and wanted to include a little 'f*** you' into the program on his
    last day? Thats the only thing I can think of that explains this.

    Edward T Eaton, Dec 4, 2003
  6. Mac Harper

    Mac Harper Guest

    Dunno... I tried all suggestions so far but no go. Since it was a design
    table controlled part, I deleted and recreated it. Still don't know what
    caused the problem - there are dimensions and it occasionally previewed
    okay, and sometimes it just previewed with a shadow, but when it rebuilt,
    *poof*. Anyway, moving ahead now. Thanks, all.

    Mac Harper, Dec 6, 2003
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