Part Numbering Systems for CAD management.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dom, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Dom

    Dom Guest

    What forms of part numbering systems are people using to handle
    designs in SWx?

    Currently we have two systems. Our internal products have a three
    number family, followed by a four number sequence, followed by a two
    number configuration, eg.

    Our custmer projects have an abbreviation of the customers name (there
    are no hard rules for the abbreviation), followed by the job number
    (four digits), followed by a three number sequence. eg.

    To simplify managment, assemblies sometimes start the sequence at
    100. eg.

    Configurations of the same part are normally given a new part number,
    unless it is handled inside the SWx file. Then we normally use a
    descriptive term such as "Left" or "Flat Pattern".

    We don't currently have a PDM system so revisions are manually packed
    into a new folder named for its date of creation.

    Similarly different versions of the same design are kept in seperate
    folders, with a descriptive name. eg.
    \Client\V2 Concept Key Former

    We are trying to come up with an improved system, but we end up with
    11 or 12 digit part numbers. Do you other designers have strong part
    naming systems in place?

    Cheers, Dom.
    Dom, Sep 2, 2008
  2. Dom

    Cliff Guest

    That's probably a bit dumb.
    Often part numbers are taken out in blocks and
    often man-readable info is "encoded" into the
    "smart" bits & format structure.
    Cliff, Sep 3, 2008
  3. Dom

    jim.peter Guest

    This is very good advice, do not try to build intelligent numbering.
    The best thing to do is to do is to create sequential numbers and use
    a database of some sort to keep track of the data that goes along with
    them. We tried to do this once (intelligent numbers) and we could
    never get it to work. Before you know it you are adding more and more
    intelligent numbers to your parts until the only person who knows what
    all those numbers mean is the person who wrote the document.

    jim.peter, Sep 3, 2008
  4. Dom

    lmar Guest

    Ten years ago I was employed with a company that "made good" and was
    moving away from custom engineering to manufacturing of high tech
    Part of the transition included moving to 3D CAD and adopting a ERP

    There were only two meetings were people were screaming at each other
    (this in a place that was pretty laid back).

    One was coming up with a revision standard..... the other was
    inteligent vs. non-inteligent numbering of items/drawings.

    I think a total of 4-5 days were expended hashing over the pro's and
    con's of each system

    In the end (against my advice), a 12 digit "intelligent" numbering
    schema was developed. Because we had to convert some old data/drawings
    over to the new system we hired a manufacturing "expert" to help us to
    convert over.

    This process took over 3 months of 2 people working full time.

    After we went live with the system, my first project was to order the
    raw material, components, and equipment, used to produce a product
    we'd been making for years.

    That's when I started to find duplicate "item" numbers (i.e. same part
    - different numbers). After some investigating I found numerous parts/
    assemblies/drawings that had been renamed based on a different
    interpretation of the numbering schema. My record was finding six
    identical parts with different "part numbers". The problem was so bad
    that people no longer believed in the "inteligent" numbering scheme
    when they went looking for a part.
    To make matters worse, once an Item touched the accounting system
    there was no way to back it out of the system. You had to obsolete the
    item in the ERP system. These parts were used in common
    assemblies........ our assemblies might be 5 layers
    was a nightmare.

    The end result was a "dumb" system that was 12 digits long (not
    including the dashes).

    In the next company we worked for we assigned sequential numbers to
    the SW parts/assemblies as we created them. We used a 5 digit number
    series for our products, and another for purchased components,
    equipment, and hardware.
    Each SW model that was created was assigned a 5 digit number based on
    which category it belonged in.

    Set up SW Tree to display description of the file so that we got the
    best of both worlds - a number to identify the file and a description
    for the end user.

    Most intelligent numbering system (unless they are dead simple - and
    then what's the point) end up causing more problems than they solve
    over time. As the people who are most familiar with the schema move on
    to other companies or up the food chain the reason for the system
    begins to fade into the background.

    my .02

    lmar, Sep 3, 2008
  5. Dom

    That70sTick Guest

    Intelligent part numbering is an unintelligent choice. Everywhere I
    have seen it, it was more trouble than it was worth. The worst aspect
    was the spawning of part number trolls who ended up owning and running
    the system while not being good for much else.

    All that a part number needs to do is uniquely identify each part or
    assembly. Let the MRP system do its job without adding part numbering
    to its burden.

    I think it's ok to have a limited amount of numbering logic, i.e.
    distinguish between assemblies and parts. Beyond that.... yeesh!
    That70sTick, Sep 3, 2008
  6. Dom

    fcsuper Guest

    It iterate simply, "Dumb numbers are good, Smart numbers are

    You'll spend more time arguing over a part going into this or that
    category once than you'll ever by "knowing" something because of the
    part number "intelligence".

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Sep 4, 2008
  7. Dom

    Dom Guest


    Thanks for your responses guys!

    The numbering system we developed is based on a similiar system from a
    previous job of mine. It was not intended to be intelligent, however
    I guess organising parts in terms of families does convey some
    intelligence. Currently we have about 60 different customer folders
    in our CAD directory. Seperating customer projects for us is really
    important, and our resources are quite limited, so including a
    customer reference in the part number seemed to be the most logical
    step. The only other intelligence in customer part numbers is to
    seperate assemblies from parts.

    There are only two of us designing, and we also work in our factory
    machining and fabricating prototypes. We do about 20 projects a year,
    and have been using SWx for over five years now. Purchasing an ERP or
    PDM system is beyond our resources at the moment. (We are still
    paying off the loan for SWx!!) We do have a "database" of part
    numbers in an excel spreadsheet in preparation for adopting an ERP
    system, so the part numbering information is being captured as we
    create them. Each year we do about 250 customer and internal jobs,
    but some of these don't require any CAD work.

    Here is the current list of part families (Internal Products only).
    There is plenty of room for expansion in this system. Some of these
    families have not been used yet and we may review these at some time
    and delete them. We probably have 50 different products that we make.

    100 Fabricated Metal
    110 Fabricated Plastics
    120 Fabricated Metal Assembly
    130 Fabricated Plastic Assembly
    140 Mechanical Assembly
    150 Electrical/Electronic Assembly
    160 Wiring Harness
    180 Mesh Products
    200 Fibre Glass and Composites
    250 Glass And Ceramic
    300 Rubber Parts and 0-Rings, Grommets etc.
    310 Non Slip Matting
    320 Rubber Belt
    330 Foam Padding, Seats
    340 Silicone, Glues and Lubricants
    400 Motors
    410 Batteries
    420 Crimps
    430 Plugs
    440 Wiring.
    450 Circuit Boards
    460 Controllers
    470 Electrical components eg switches
    480 Electronic Components eg, caps, resistors, IC's
    490 Lights
    500 Software and Programming
    600 Threaded Fasteners
    610 Un-Threaded Fasteners
    615 Machine Hardware
    620 Bearings and Bushes
    650 Buy Ins, eg. Ratchet Handles, Lobe Knobs
    700 Outside Cost eg, welding, powder coating, zinc plating, machining.
    800 Packaging
    810 Manuals
    820 Labels
    900 Raw Material, SS
    910 Raw Material, Alloy Steel
    920 Raw Material, Aluminium
    930 Raw Material, Plastics

    Cheers, Dom.
    Dom, Sep 4, 2008
  8. Dom

    Cliff Guest

    Then EVERYBODY is using dumb sequential part numbers,
    Cliff, Sep 4, 2008
  9. Dom

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Sep 4, 2008
  10. Dom

    fcsuper Guest

    That's a bit off the wall. Questions are asked for a reason. Answers
    are provided from experience. In my experience, the choice to use
    smart numbers is usually made by people that do not directly have
    anything to do with how they are assigned or used.

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Sep 5, 2008
  11. Dom

    mvalenti Guest

    Our company uses a sequential system that has "some" intelligence.
    1xxxxxxx Assemblies
    2xxxxxxx Parts (custom/Fab)
    3xxxxxxx Toolong
    4xxxxxxx C.O.T.S. parts

    Substitute the x's for sequential numbers.
    mvalenti, Sep 5, 2008
  12. Dom

    Cliff Guest

    Let's see .... you have part number ... what bin in
    what department should you look for it in?
    You have a part number .. it's 4596541 .... what
    sort of thing is it? Does it have an E size drawing or an A?
    Is that a purchased part or do you have to make it?
    Pity the poor repairman ... where's his PDM system?
    Part numbers serve many more purposes than just
    for stuffing into a PDM system.
    What's dumb about that?
    Cliff, Sep 5, 2008
  13. Dom

    CADaholic Guest


    Hope it works out for you. I'm big time in favor of the smart part
    number system. I work / have worked for a company that uses it and it
    works VERY well. People are your best ERP system. They get to
    recognize the part numbers and what they mean. There's an instant

    With sequential systems, you're selling your soul to the database
    administrators who hold all the metadata hostage and try to make you
    change your business practices to accomodate their software. It's a
    slippery slope.
    CADaholic, Sep 5, 2008
  14. Dom

    lmar Guest


    Most decent PDM systems can be configured for any "numbering" schema
    the company wishes.
    That includes "intelligent", semi-intelligent, or sequential. Most if
    not all have an autonumber generator that can be based on (but not
    limited to):

    1. Category of the models (Products, Equipment, Components, Hardware,
    2. Project Numbering or departments (mechanical vs. electrical vs.
    3. Number "prefixes" or "suffixes"
    4. Standard Parts (i.e. Toolbox or other CAD library).
    5. Concatanation of category sub-headings to arrive at a consistent
    "Description" for each new part
    6. Can place the renamed/existing file in any location (drive/folder)
    the user wants based on their requirements.
    7. Can move the file to other folders upon approval and release
    including generating PDF files for customers and vendors use (Using
    another naming schema if company policy requires it).

    System can be as simple or as complicated as one wishes.

    The statement that states a PDM system adheres to one type of
    numbering schema is incorrect.
    One could argue, that a PDM system can ensure your intelligent
    numbering system is being adhered to by walking the user through
    company defined steps during the file creation process.

    Like most system, garbage in means garbage out.

    The problem is most companies either do not have a formal procedure or
    they have an "ad-hoc" one that changes depending on which person
    happens to be in the office that day.
    In addition, they maintain procedures that, while quite adequate for
    2D systems, don't take into the account the unique needs of 3D

    Done right it can ensure your company is following procedures faster
    and more accurately than any person could.

    And as for the comment on being held hostage by the metadata - one
    could argue that being locked into a particular CAD format
    (interoperability between clients, machine shops, etc...) is a lot
    more restrictive than any metadata which by nature is CAD or system
    independent. The latter only applies if the system isn't encrypted in
    a proprietary format - which one should never do in the first place
    (i.e. You own the drawing/data/metadata).

    lmar, Sep 5, 2008
  15. Dom

    TOP Guest

    Part numbering schemes can be like a religion. Dangerous territory.
    How you view it has a lot to do with what you come up with. For
    example, the shop guy might be used to having fasteners numbered with
    a code that pertains to all the attributes of a fastener and since
    they know the system they will swear at you when you change how the
    fasteners are numbered. The engineer may find things by looking at the
    description of the part and not care a bit about what the number is. A
    non-computer savvy manager type might like to know that a certain
    system does apply to part numbers so they can find things in their
    head easily. It can go on and on. So the first thing you have to
    decide is what does a part number mean inside the company.

    If you decide that a part number simply refers to a unique part which
    can be thrown into a box with other parts having the same number and
    when any part is withdrawn at random from the box it will work just as
    well as any other in the box then you have made progress in knowing
    what part number system will work. That system would simply be a
    sequential set of numbers. This is an important concept even though it
    seems very simple.

    Now you also have to make a distinction between a part number for
    something that is actually physically made or intended to be made and
    something a bit more abstract like a drawing. Should a drawing have
    the same number as the part it represents? If you say yes then how do
    you do a charted drawing? In the age of 3D models, should a model have
    the same number as the part or assembly it represents? For a part you
    have the same issue if the part has configurations suitable for
    charting or other variations. Similarly with assemblies you may have a
    layout assembly for quoting, an assembly for the assembly department
    and another assembly for the manual of the same "assembly". Ditto for

    You may think I am being overly nit picky, but I am not. The ERP folks
    are only concerned with what is actually manufactured and engineering
    will be interested in all the variations, configurations, prototypes,
    things in R&D and development as far as tracking SW files. Tech pubs
    will be interested in something else again and shipping something
    else. So each group will be interested in "numbers" but maybe not all
    the numbers.

    You can also see that part numbers with meaning would not work well in
    today's world because the same part might be documented several
    different ways and not all documents would pertain to all aspects of
    your company. The meaningful part number was much more important in
    the past when drawings had to be physically filed and tracked but in
    the modern world this is done for the most part by a computer using a
    database. With CAD systems like SW you may create a lot of files doing
    what ifs, etc. Further, a meaningful part number automatically limits
    how many parts you can have. Numbers are cheap, really cheap, unless
    you run out. of them. As soon as you limit yourself to 3 digits, 4
    digits or whatever you have limited possibilities and you will
    eventually run into a wall. Remember Y2K.

    The question might come up then as to how you find a part if the part
    number has no meaning other than being next after the previous number?
    Well this isn't too hard. Consider the list in this thread with three
    digit numbers referring to different categories of part. Why not do
    away with the list associating numbers with categories and just use
    categories in either the description or as a separate attribute for
    the part or assembly? Most decent PDM systems today will allow for
    some sort of automated categorization making this very easy and
    consistent. Categories and descriptions are not limited the way
    categorized blocks of numbers are.

    Another issue with part numbers is that you may have to carry along a
    customer's part number with your own. This is not uncommon. You may
    also have to carry along a catalog number with a part number. A decent
    PDM system will be able to associate the part number engineering uses
    with a number denoting a part intended to be manufactured, a catalog
    number, a customer P/N, a quote number, a sales oriented model number,

    TOP, Sep 7, 2008
  16. Dom

    Cliff Guest

    And to customers, vendors, the supply & distribution chains.
    Good idea to have some "redundancy" too so that a typo does not
    generally deliver the wrong $$ part but rather flags things as an
    incorrect part number.
    And most of the other users do not have *your* PDM system.
    Cliff, Sep 8, 2008
  17. Dom

    Dom Guest

    Thanks TOP, this is giving me some more insight into how we can
    identify what we really "need". I think now we will be able to
    develop some ideas about how to number things. I think I will also
    start looking at PDM systems and see if there isn't something that can
    do what we want.

    To the others out there, can anyone give some examples of how they
    handle customer CAD info?

    An example of our file names for customers are: DK-2986-001
    Where DK is an abbreviation of the customers name, 2986 is the Job
    number, and 001 is sequential.

    Cheers, Dom.
    Dom, Sep 8, 2008
  18. Dom

    TOP Guest


    I'm guessing you make a lot of same but different. Motors, wheels,
    gearboxes, etc. Even if I was in your situation and didn't have a
    PDM system I would simply arrange folders in blocks of sequential
    numbers. You can store the customer's name, job number, etc. in the
    top level assembly custom properties and search on them with SW
    Explorer. I wouldn't store that information in any parts that can be

    Excel spreadsheets also are handy to keep track of part number/
    description assignments and also to keep track of job number/customer
    assignments. Keeping this information out of the filename will help
    down the road if you go to PDM.

    One of the problems I have seen in using "intelligent" part numbers
    for file names is that when you do go to PDM the intelligent system
    always seems to be difficult to program for auto number generation
    because they contain a human factor that is hard for a computer to

    TOP, Sep 8, 2008
  19. Dom

    Cliff Guest

    And one size of shoe fits all, right?
    Why not look at what some of the old large firms do?
    You may not need to struggle to reinvent the wheel.
    Might be some technical papers too.
    Cliff, Sep 8, 2008
  20. Dom,
    Your list reminds me of the Dewey decimal system, which has proven
    over time to be a robust, reliable, scalable system.

    That said, in my office, the Engineers I work with maintain that
    intelligent part numbering is a disaster waiting to happen. They
    insist on sequential part numbering, and I go with their counsul.

    I can see their point - sometimes a fabricated part will transform
    into a cast part as the design progresses or the part goes through
    rounds of quoting, requiring a new part number.

    With my job the decision is mostly out of my hands - as a contract
    design house, we have to follow our customer's part numbering

    However, if I were making the parts in "ed's manufacturing company", I
    would find your 'Dewey decimal' system very attractive.

    Edward T Eaton, Sep 9, 2008
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