part creation from scanned images?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian, May 18, 2005.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    I often create parts from cardboard cutout pieces provided by R&D. The
    shapes rarely contain many straight edges, are usually fairly irregular in
    nature, and not necessarily accurate.

    Currently, I trace the parts onto some high accuracy graph paper,
    manually plot points along the perimeter, and create a spline with a
    reasonably close fit. I then create the part using a 1 to 1 print and the
    actual material to be used, then check fit. Most times small changes are
    made, some for funtionality and some for asthetics ( R&D doesn't care what
    it looks like, if it works ), then another prototype part is made.

    When the shape is verified, I then create an identical part using
    tangent arcs/lines rather than splines. I do this because most machine
    tools ( mills, lasers, ect ), have an easier time processing arcs/lines
    rather than the many small line segments a spline produces when converted to
    NC code for most, but not all, machines. My vendors really appreciate this

    Rather than tracing/plotting I have had some limited sucess using a
    scanned .bmp at the proper scale inserted as an object and laying sketch
    points along the perimeter. Other formats don't work for me, some because I
    don't have the appropriate software installed to view them, and some, like
    jpegs, I can't seem to get an image to appear ( all I get is a small square
    box ). Scanned .bmps become massive in file size and cause a significant
    slowdown on my comp even though I have much more physical memory than is

    Is there a better method of obtaining the needed points from a scanned
    image? If so, what format/software have you had the best luck with? Also,
    is there a macrom or small utilitym out there than can convert splines to
    tangent arcs/lines within a given accuracy? The manual conversion is a time
    consuming PITA.

    SW 2005 sp3
    win xp pro sp2
    p4 3.06
    1 gig ram
    ati fire gl t-2 128
    Brian, May 18, 2005
  2. Brian

    Rock Guy Guest

    Hi Brian,

    You should check out this web site. Under
    SolidWorks tools they have a utility called "picture converter". It
    may help you out. Basically it converts image edges to SW sketch
    entities automatically.

    Do you work for the Starting Line Products that produces aftermarket
    performance Snowmobile parts?
    Rock Guy, May 18, 2005
  3. Brian

    Brian Guest

    I do.
    Brian, May 18, 2005
  4. Brian

    Rock Guy Guest

    Nice. I'm a huge snowmobile enthusiast. Rode Polaris for 14 years
    until they just stopped keeping up on technology. On a REV now. SLP
    makes some great products. I had no idea they used SolidWorks.
    Rock Guy, May 18, 2005
  5. Brian

    Art Woodbury Guest


    Wintopo should help here. It will convert a raster scan into vectors
    which you could import into a sketch. There's a free and a paid version.

    Art W
    Art Woodbury, May 18, 2005
  6. Brian

    Cliff Guest

    What happened to flatbed digitizers?
    Does SW support them?
    Last I knew AutoCad did.

    Why splines?
    Cliff, May 18, 2005
  7. Brian

    John Kimmel Guest

    I've used the free and the paid for version of Wintopo, and they work,
    but now I import an image into Deltacad and draw over it.

    J Kimmel

    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    John Kimmel, May 19, 2005
  8. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Thanks for the compliment, seems i must be doing at leat part of my job
    right <G>. The only ski-doo that I've ridden ( was a 2000ish model ) had
    too high a center of mass in my opinion, and felt a bit unstable. But I'm
    sure they've corrected that by now.

    I've already spent quite a bit on new software so rather than ask for
    the $600 for picture converter I'll use the freeware version of wintopo. At
    least it gets me points that I can use which negates the need to manually
    plot positions.
    Brian, May 19, 2005
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