part config help

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tom, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. Tom

    Tom Guest

    I've been using solidworks (2005) for a while, and have gotten sorta decent
    with it. I started to toy around with building things using extruded
    material, like from 80/20 and bosch - but I'm feeling like I'm wasting alot
    of time managing a boat load of configs...

    I have a part, say a basic 30x30mm t-slot extrustion, and then I'll have a
    few configs - where 1 length is 30" and another 20".. Perhaps 1 config has a
    12" piece with 45* chamfer ends. I have hte base stock, and then a drawing
    where I perform the cut.... In the sketch I set my dimension, and store that
    dimension in whichever config I want. But the problem with this, is as I
    build my model, if I decide to resize something a little bit, I have to go
    back to the part and modify the configuration.. This just seems very time
    consuming. Of course, it's not always just length - like I said, some
    pieces might have 1 or 2 beveled ends, at various angles.

    Help get pointed in the right direction.

    Tom, Oct 27, 2006
  2. Tom

    Engineer Guest

    Dear Tom,

    Try making your configs using design tables, i'm not sure that if it
    can a be a solution for your problem but it can be bit easy to do the


    Deepak Gupta
    Engineer, Oct 28, 2006
  3. another way to handle the various lengths of the stock is to have a "stock"
    piece of the material that you copy to the
    working directory. In the assembly, edit the extrude feature of your stock
    component to what you need for that assembly (like to another part face or a
    plane). There is usually no reason to save this particular length anywhere
    but in the current project folder.
    bill allemann, Oct 28, 2006
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