Part color when shaded

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by gk, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. gk

    gk Guest

    I have a part which has now decided to only display, when shaded, with
    the color black. I say decided as this wasn't always the case. The
    display color is OK when the part is shaded in an assembly and can be
    changed there (for the assembly only). If the part is rolled back to
    the first feature the color is still black even though a thorough
    investigation shows no faces or feature having that color assigned. the
    system default 191/191/191 appears on everything I have found.

    I would appreciate any insight as to where/what to examine. This is in
    2006 with all SPs installed.

    Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays to all.

    gk, Dec 23, 2007
  2. gk

    Krister_L Guest

    Color ..and texture ...can be changed at different levels,
    face...feature and part. If the part color is changed to black....just
    change it back to light grey, if it's changed in any other
    level ...remove color. There is also a difference in using real view
    graphics, if the material is set to use material color the part color
    will change when real view is turned off. I've had my problems too
    with this and it's not always that easy to find out where it's
    changed, especially when other people been involved too.

    If the part is very dark it can also depend on light setting....check
    that too

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Dec 23, 2007
  3. gk

    gk Guest

    Thanks, but I've looked through all those choices. Real view (on or
    off) doesn't change anything. No textures are assigned. Changing
    material doesn't show any differently. More light just makes a
    "lighter" shade of black. If I change the color to say dark magenta,
    the edge lines (in shaded with edges) appear magenta but the faces are
    all now still black but with a magenta tint, if you can visualize that.
    I have always thought that SWs handling of colors could be improved
    but this "problem" is new to me. Since the color of the part can be
    changed in the assembly, I really don't have to fix it but I would like
    to find out what causes the situation.

    gk, Dec 23, 2007
  4. gk

    Krister_L Guest

    well....can't say for sure but have a vague mamory of fixing a problem
    like this by going in to the feature properties and remove color there
    (entity properties). Nothing else helped and no color assigned
    anywhere. You can also change the optical properties, so for example
    set diffusion to zero and it will be black, but....if You choose a new
    color after that..light grey... it will go back.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Dec 23, 2007
  5. I've run into this at work recently with someonewho should know
    Here is how the hierarchy works (at least through 2007 - I refuse to
    predict any changes in 2008)

    Do you know the concept of 'trump' with cards? A trump suit
    obliterates any other card's value in a non-trumping suit

    Component color (assigned in an assembly) trumps everything under it -
    face colors, feature colors, and part colors.
    Face color trumps feature color
    Features color trumps body color (if you have mutliple boies in the
    Body color trumps part color
    part color is the lowest.

    You can RMB any item you want and choose 'appearance callouts' in the
    RMB menu to remove a trumping color. Just remember that you have to
    dig down - there are categories from teh RMB assembly level for face,
    feature, and body and you mihgt have to clear them all.

    Let me know if this works, or more importantly if it doesnt't because
    it is an extra level of crazy complexity and I am not sure if I have
    it all right

    Edward T Eaton, Dec 26, 2007
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