Part color problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bruce, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Guest

    I have a SW 2007 problem. I have a component that is made up of
    simple extrusions and extruded cuts. I am trying to give the part a
    uniform color, but I cannot get them all to look the same. Some are
    fine, but many will not accept a color at all. They stay grey no
    matter what I do.

    It seems like that parts that are vut surfaces accept the color while
    the base extrusions do not. I have selected the parts, and the entire
    model seperately to try and remove the colors, but nothing seems to

    Any ideas?


    Bruce, Jan 14, 2008
  2. Bruce

    Jean Marc Guest

    Which level did you apply the color to? faces / functions / part?

    Remove color in every place you put it, and apply the color to the part
    Jean Marc, Jan 14, 2008
  3. Bruce

    mr.T Guest

    Don't you just love it?

    SW missing some trigger like remove all colors every where

    There are two ways of changing colors of feature / face

    Right click - appearance or Right click - properties - color

    But some times neither of them works

    And then there is material feature which changes colors, and there is configuration colors settings .

    I have no good solution for it , just couple suggestions that sometimes worked for me

    Unhide display pane

    Look for any feature with color box next to it - remove if you can (because sometimes you can't)

    Right click - properties on colored faces remove colors

    Change the configurations (sometimes makes the colors update)

    Close - Open file may work

    Most problems I have is with files that had color changed in previous releases of SW

    And one more thing: design tables.
    mr.T, Jan 14, 2008

  4. Below is a link to a macro that removes colors, other than body colors. It's
    the one called "Remove Colors":

    There is another one on here, "Remove Color From All Faces":

    There are several macros for removing colors here; "Removal All Part Colors"
    may be the best bet:

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 14, 2008
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