parasitic extraction question

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by camelot, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. camelot

    camelot Guest

    Hello everybody,
    I've a doubt about parasitic extraction. I'm using an old cmos
    technology developed in 4.3.4 opus environment. Well, if I extract
    parasitic cap devices (with lpe module) over a metal line, I often
    obtain capacitor linked to the net of the metal and to a generic node I
    presume could be the substrate (??). Well, my question is, as I put in
    the layout a substrate contact ptap (that should take p-) that have a
    pin on it, while the node of parasitic capacitance that presumably are
    connected to substrate are not automatically connected to that one?

    camelot, Jan 12, 2007
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