Parametric simuations from the command line ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ankur101, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. ankur101

    ankur101 Guest


    I'd like to know how to run parametric simulations in Cadence from the
    command line (using a command like:
    % spectre input.scs ...)

    I have tried poking around in the directory structure, and after I run
    a parametric simulation using the GUI, I see a file named "runObjFile"
    in the "psf" directory that lists out the parametric simulations that
    need to be run. Is the "runObjFile" the only different file compared
    to a regular simulation (no parametric analysis)? How can I generate
    this file? How do I tell spectre to use it ?

    ankur101, Jun 26, 2008
  2. ankur101 wrote, on 06/26/08 20:32:
    If you're running completely from the command line, you can just use spectre's
    "sweep" analysis. See "spectre -h sweep".

    The runObjFile is really only needed for AWD - so if you're running standalone,
    you don't have to worry about it.

    What parametric analysis does in ADE is to create a "master" psf directory which
    refers to each of the sub-runs, particularly if they are distributed or not done
    within the same invocation of the simulator (e.g. when running in "batch" rather
    than "interactive" mode, set by the spectre.envOpts controlMode setting)..

    But if running standalone, it's easier to use sweep analyses.

    Andrew Beckett, Jun 27, 2008
  3. ankur101

    ankur101 Guest

    Thanks, Andrew!
    ankur101, Jun 27, 2008
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