Parametric Drawing. What is available?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ian Frater, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Ian Frater

    Ian Frater Guest

    Dear all.

    Apologies first just in case this post is not suitable for the AutoCAD

    As you might well pick up i am not a CAD User, more of a Systems
    Developer / Administrator for a manufacturing company.

    I am looking for a solution that can create a drawing (modify
    template) from a SQL Server manufacturing database table which
    contains all the dimensions, parameters & texts. Our product only
    requires 2D representation see:
    because we have over 10,000 product variants creating individual
    drawings is quite a labour overhead.

    Must be able to display text.
    Display features (on/off) if a values present in table
    Draw to scale if required
    Costs less than a small country

    Many Thanks
    Ian Frater, Jul 22, 2003
  2. Ian Frater

    Smiley Guest

    I am guessing that you don't need 3d, only 2d. I know there are a
    number of parametric CAD programs out there, which cost less than the
    3D higher-end versions. I've even seen one or two 3d ones under
    $1,000, but they seem to be pretty new on the market, and I wouldn't
    want for my company to depend on a start-up.

    Try a search on the web for "2d Parametric" or just "Parametric
    CAD". Here are some web sites of CAD magazines, which may be even
    more useful.
    Smiley, Jul 23, 2003
  3. Ian Frater

    BR Guest

    If the manual Dexterpen is what you are looking for....

    contact me for discussions about a custom "computer driven"


    take out the dashes and xxx
    BR, Jul 23, 2003
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