Parameterization of a spherical surface or solid

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Sep 13, 2005.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Any thoughts on creating a solid of revolution that doesn't have the
    surface parameterization coming to a point on the poles?
    TOP, Sep 13, 2005
  2. in sections, like a soccer ball?
    Bill Chernoff, Sep 13, 2005
  3. TOP

    TOP Guest

    That sort of works with a sphere, but if I go to an ellipsoid it is
    harder to do.
    TOP, Sep 13, 2005
  4. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I think you would still get the degenerate parameterization around the
    poles. The problem is that most surface creation algorithms are based
    on a rectilinear 2D approach that doesn't map well to some surfaces.

    I spent several hours on a problem with splitting a model and found
    that SW can't get away from the underlying surface parameterization,
    even with the fill command.

    In the cases I am working on a sphere is subdivided into 7 "chunks", 6
    of which are identical, and one is a cube. In this way the sphere can
    be hex meshed with a very nice, well behaved brick element.
    TOP, Sep 14, 2005
  5. TOP

    That70sTick Guest

    Can you give any more details about the analysis you are trying to
    perform (loading, material, program)?

    I wouldn't fret too much about getting perfectly rectangular bricks.
    There are other ways to get decent results.

    If you're doing solids curved surfaces, a P-tet mesh should work fine.
    Keep locally refining mesh until you get convergence in regions with
    high stress gradients.

    Another strategy is to cut your sphere by layers, with an outer layer
    that is at least 4 elements deep in thickness. Auto quad-mesh the
    inner surface of the shell and offset the quad elements outward. Mesh
    the sphere interior with a tet mesh.
    That70sTick, Sep 14, 2005
  6. TOP

    TOP Guest

    This is a contact problem. Bricks allow me to cut down on the dof while
    still getting good accuracy. I'm breaking up a sphere to get seven six
    sided chunks. It's the only way to get a decent mesh providing the
    underlying surfaces don't create problems. In this way there is very
    little distortion in the bricks so I can use the 8 noded variety which
    helps convergence.

    The problem with trying to refine a P-Tet mesh in a non-linear problem
    with contact should be obvious. The high stress gradients move around
    from iteration to iteration.

    In this problem there is a ball bearing between two other surfaces.
    TOP, Sep 15, 2005
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