Parameter asking order in .frm files

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Bjorn Ljungdahl, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    I wonder if there is a way to set the order ni which parameters
    are 'asked' when I create a drawing.
    I have several fields that I want the program to fill in the
    drawing, but the order ProE asks me for the information
    seem random.
    For example I want it to ask me for company name, part
    name, designer etc in that order, but it asks me for part
    name, designer, company name, and I can't get it to change
    the order.
    I even tried to create the parameters in a special order when
    I create .frm file, but it doesn't seem to help.

    Any suggestions?

    Bjorn Ljungdahl, Nov 23, 2004
  2. Bjorn Ljungdahl

    David Janes Guest

    : Hi,
    : I wonder if there is a way to set the order ni which parameters
    : are 'asked' when I create a drawing.

    Not that I'm aware of. If these owere repeat region parameters, it would be
    aidifferent story, of course. My general reaction is to wonder why they are being
    asked. I've seen it before, but only in the context that the parameters didn't
    exist in tghe model or existed in the model but contained no values.

    : I have several fields that I want the program to fill in the
    : drawing, but the order ProE asks me for the information
    : seem random.
    : For example I want it to ask me for company name, part
    : name, designer etc in that order, but it asks me for part
    : name, designer, company name, and I can't get it to change
    : the order.

    A valuable source of information on this is the Help section on Pro/DETAILING.
    Check out System parameters: in the first place, what you are calling part name is
    already available as MODEL_NAME, picked up by the system, no 'asking', no user
    input required. Further, something consistently used, like company name, ought to
    be placed, with the proper value, in the start part. The aim of much of this,
    including standard notes and most of the system parameters, is to 1) eliminate the
    tedium and time required to manually fill in parameter values; and 2) to eliminate
    as much user error as possible.

    : I even tried to create the parameters in a special order when
    : I create .frm file, but it doesn't seem to help.
    : Any suggestions?
    Do as much of the parameter filling in the model/assembly. Create all the needed
    parameters in the start parts. Get people used to going to 'Tools>Parameters' and
    filling in parameter values. If parts appear in assemblies, you can also set up
    the Model tree to show the parameters which need to be filled in and use the tree
    for data input, since it lists all the parts. An alternative is to create the
    prompts with Pro/PROGRAM (in the Input section where you have complete control of
    things like the order in which users are prompted). If you do this in the start
    part and have it ask when the part is opened and first named, this carries through
    the assemblies and drawings.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 26, 2004
  3. Thank you for the suggestions. I guess I have to take the time
    to set up everything correctly, but it's better in the long run.

    Bjorn Ljungdahl, Dec 14, 2004
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