hello. i try to run parametric analysis with data that i got from a form and i get this error " *Error* greaterp: can't handle ("3" > "0") " using deferent numbers just give the same error but with the different numbers the error comes from: paramAnalysis("my_vb" ?start input_Vb_start ?stop input_Vb_stop ?step input_Vb_step) but analysis('dc ?param "my_vg" ?start input_Vg_start ?stop input_Vg_stop ?lin input_Vg_lin ) has no problem. both load data like: input_Vb_start=test1aa->vbsStart->value input_Vg_start=test1aa->vgsStart->value and if i dont load the data form the form (input_Vb_start=0) paramAnalysis runs fine. i guess that form data have to be converted to be used in paramAnalysis??? i cant find any thing in the ocean manual about this problem. thank you for the help.