paperspace ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mickey, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. mickey

    mickey Guest


    I'm working on an existing drawing in acad2004
    the dwg consists off a "model tab"
    and lots more 'tabs'

    No when I edit the drawing, all 'tabs' shange acordingly.
    This is great.

    When I place some parts of the dwg to the other end.
    One 'tab' appears empty. This is quite normal, becouse I displaced its
    content. Now I need to get the content back into this 'tab'.

    I understand I've got to 'zoom' my way back. But when I use the zoom
    command all it does is zooming the layout, and not the dwg on the
    layout. I'm lost pls help

    btw. zooming works on one of the ' tab's ' . this tab does not display
    a ucs. all the others do.

    When I get this right I need to create a new 'tab', but then I get
    back to this group.


    mickey, Jan 30, 2004
  2. mickey

    mickey Guest

    Aha..... found it!
    putting on my stupid cap... I typed 'mspace' on the command line and
    whoops!... the dwg zoomed. Typing 'pspace' zoom's the layout again.
    mickey, Jan 30, 2004
  3. mickey

    Steve Yoxon Guest

    Double clicking inside the viewport also changes it to mspace,
    double clicking outside it changes it back .

    bit quicker than typing.

    Also make sure you don't put a viewport entirely within another one.
    Could explain why, but might be better for you to try and see what happens.

    Steve Yoxon, Jan 30, 2004
  4. mickey

    R Cygan Guest

    It's OK to put a viewport entirely within another one,
    Just "ctrl R" toggles -switches between all viewports on the layout,
    You could also use the icon on the very bottom of a Acad window
    toggle (paper / model)
    especially when your display is entirelly in a P. Space and you can not
    click outside of a viewport!!
    It is good idea to have Viewport toolbar open to control the scale of each
    You could create any VP shape, - "convert shape" to VP. - on same toolbar

    Have Fun
    R Cygan, Feb 18, 2004
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