Paper Space Plot Cut Short

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kdpalkki, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. kdpalkki

    kdpalkki Guest

    This was posted originally about 6 months ago and our problem still persists.
    Plotting from Win XP Pro or Win 2000, LDT 2005 (Or just AutoCAD 2005) to HP800ps 42" via a network. When in paper space and using a custom size greater than any standard paper size (greater than arch e, arch d, etc), with a polygonal viewport, the plot is always cut 6" short. It will plot a rectangular viewport or if you use a standard paper size or if you use a 2004 or older version of AutoCAD.

    We plot a few special maps that require this set up and it has been a real pain to keep a 2004 version around just for plotting.

    We have not received any solutions from our supplier or from AutoDesk support.

    Anyone else experiencing this? Any work around?
    - Kevin
    kdpalkki, Nov 29, 2004
  2. kdpalkki

    pwcasey Guest

    Kevin, have you gotten response yet from acad? I have a similar problem, and have a trouble ticket in to acad support. I got a reply that a fix would be out in the next service pack, or the next version! (So anywhere from 2 months, to two years?). We just upgraded to acad2005 from 2002, skipping 2004. So now I have 2002 still loaded on one of our machines to plot custom size drawings. Here's my email if you want me to send you their response.
    pwcasey, Jan 24, 2005
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