Paper orientation on a Layout

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Yves, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. Yves

    Yves Guest


    I'm trying to find the paper orientation on a layout, but I can't find it.

    I even tried verifying the width and length, but it allways gives me the
    same even if I switch from portrait to landscape.

    Yves, Feb 13, 2004
  2. Yves,
    Look in the online help for the PlotRotation property, which has constants
    for 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees rotation.

    James Belshan, Feb 13, 2004
  3. Yves

    Yves Guest


    Well, after two tests I concluded, 1= Landscape, 0 = Portrait!

    But I can't change it with the layout property, I can read it, but If I
    execute the following code :
    (Extracted from help)

    Nothing appends!
    Sub Example_PlotRotation()
    ' This example reads and modifies the PlotRotation
    ' Layout value.
    ' When finished, this example resets the value back to
    ' it's original value.

    Dim ACADLayout As ACADLayout
    Dim originalValue As Integer

    ' Get the layout object
    Set ACADLayout = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout

    ' Read and display the original value
    originalValue = ACADLayout.PlotRotation
    MsgBox "The PlotRotation value is set to: " & originalValue

    ' Modify the PlotRotation preference by toggling the value
    ACADLayout.PlotRotation = ac180degrees
    MsgBox "The PlotRotation preference has been set to: " &

    End Sub
    Yves, Feb 16, 2004
  4. Yves

    Yves Guest


    I forgot to regen!!!


    Yves, Feb 16, 2004
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