Panic -- dimension selection for equations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jjs, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. jjs

    jjs Guest

    Just when a deadline is due !!!

    You know you double click a pattern icon on the feature tree and the
    dimension and number of instances of the patern become available. You
    then double click the 'instance' number and can change it for
    different configurations and add to an equation -

    Well- the dimension and instance number no longer appear and so I
    don't seem to be able to change them for different configurations.

    I have shut down and restarted, and kept everything else to the
    mininimum. I have made fresh new simple patterns but still no luck.

    Is there another way to do this other than in a design table?

    Is this a know issue?

    Am I f****d?

    Will it go away if I just pray ?

    What can I buy my computer as a present to make it work?

    If by chance I meet someone from SW, should I shake his hand or knee
    him in the groin?

    Will I feel better or will I feel shame for my actions?

    I am using 2005 sp2 and this started this morning !!


    jjs, Apr 11, 2005
  2. jjs

    jjs Guest

    On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 09:16:18 GMT, wrote:

    I think I am going mad

    I have changed the dimensions of the pattern pitch and number within
    the feature manger dialogue on the left side of the screen for each
    seperate configuration, and they are remembered by each configuration.
    Is this new ?? to sw2005. My mind has enough difficulty designing
    new products without having to remember each little change to SW.

    I sometimes think SW Corp think we can devote all our mental capacity
    to just remebering the sp - sp changes within SW.

    I think I need to find another job.!!


    jjs, Apr 11, 2005
  3. jjs

    POH Guest


    It's likely that you will find one of the System Options to have been
    turned OFF by the installation of SolidWorks 2005 or one of its'
    service packs.

    Take a look at System Options/Display Selection and see whether or not
    the option "Highlight all edges of features in graphics view" is turned

    For example, in order for feature or sketch dimensions to appear when
    one double clicks upon a part in the viewport, the Highlight option
    MUST be ON.

    I've always prefered to work with it ON and the default (until
    recently) has been for the option to be active. I can't imagine why
    anyone would want to turn the option OFF, but some SolidWorks
    programmer apparently did so for you (in the background) when the
    recent software was written.

    In the Support section of the SolidWorks website there is a February
    bulletin which pertains to this issue...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Apr 11, 2005
  4. jjs

    CS Guest

    If you already changed them once in one config and set it to
    ThisConfiguration it defaults to it in all subsequent configs I think
    this is old stuff. They did add to the bottom of the FM the ability to
    select configs to apply changes to in 2004 but I don't believe it has
    gone across the board just yet there are a few feature edit windows
    that lack the new functionality IIRC

    CS, Apr 11, 2005
  5. jjs

    jjs Guest


    This is ON and i agree - why would anyone want it OFF.

    However I double click on a feature and the dimensions appear as
    normal on the model.

    However it does not work for patterns - I cannot get the Pattern
    pitch dimension or number of instances to appear on the model so that
    I can alter my equation or change the configuartion amount.

    Anyway - no time for straglers - my deadline is looming, so I'll leave
    this file behind and push on with those others I goot still working !!


    jjs, Apr 11, 2005
  6. Sometimes I have found that the number are, in fact there, just real hard to
    find. Since the default color is blue, you might look around the blue parts
    to see if the numbers are lurking there. I have most often found them like
    that when I thought they weren't there - look closely everywhere..

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 11, 2005
  7. jjs

    jjs Guest

    LOL - thanks for cheering me up - they say the obvious isn't obvious
    untill its said. - I also seem to find my lost keys in the last
    place I look.

    But still I can't find the f****rs.

    Perhaps they ought to strobe on and off at say 3 Hz - is this a good
    enhancement request!!! - just the right level to give long term harm
    so we can sue SW for iour retirment.


    jjs, Apr 11, 2005
  8. jjs

    Bob Guest

    Not sure if this relates but, in annotations do you have the "show feature
    dimensions" turned on?
    Bob, Apr 11, 2005
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