Pairs Clearance

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by graminator, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. graminator

    graminator Guest

    Does anyone else think the Pairs Clearance (formally
    clearance/interference) function is hard to read in WF? The model parts
    highlight in red and orange and any intereference is I think shown in
    darker red, but maybe I'm just looking where I think it should be. It
    seems another case to me of something worked well and they stuffed it
    up. I've gone to my system colors but I can't see how to change the
    graminator, Dec 8, 2006
  2. graminator

    David Janes Guest

    It accounts for allowances (smallest allowable size of a hole, largest
    allowable size of a shaft) and shows interference from there. That's nice,
    it's something. (Maybe it's always done this and I just didn't realize it.)
    But the way it "demonstrates" interference is not helpful... in the least.
    It is more along the lines of 'users have gone back to sleep, let's go back
    to the comfortable, cliquish obscurantism of the "experts"' (who expertly
    invent nonsense, pulled from their conceptually pure anuses, which makes
    them perfect assholes). PTC's elitism is so tawdry, shopworn and
    out-of-date, you'd think anyone with at least one foot on the ground would
    be a little embarrassed at HOW out-of-date they are. And, especially when
    they are 'carrying' a black sheep, lesser cousin, like Pro/DESKTOP, which
    runs circles around them in precisely the visualization department. But, it
    seems the management is immune to both embarrassment and education. They're
    never wrong and they never learn and only their monopoly position keeps the
    stupidity you mention in force. Ain't monopolies grand!! (Maybe someone
    should submit an 'enhancement' [de-stupidification] request.)

    David Janes
    David Janes, Dec 9, 2006
  3. graminator

    graminator Guest

    The allowances would be based on set tolerances I presume? Never used
    that but it sounds like a good feature.

    All I know is, in 2001 I used my mapkey for clearance/interference. I
    would type "ci", then 2 mouse clicks and there was the interference,
    shown clearly against the highlighted parts. I think it was red against
    blue. Now it's dark red against red and orange. plus you have to
    specify whether you want to pick quilts, edges, surfaces or the actual
    parts. Not sure what use it is to test intereference of surfaces in an
    assembly. At least I've never worked that way.
    graminator, Dec 13, 2006
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