Paint on sheet metal parts?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by FrankW, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. FrankW

    FrankW Guest

    Gi'day Group.
    How do you model paint onto a sheetmetal part.
    and how is it detailed. I've been told from our
    sheetmetal vendor that paint can add .01 inch
    Do you add a "paint" feature on the model?
    If so, how is this done? If not, how do you compensate?
    Thanks in advance
    FrankW, Sep 7, 2006
  2. The only time I modeled something that needed to be coated and paint would
    be too thick, I plated the parts. So, to answer your question, I have never
    modeled paint since I am generally not concerned with that thickness in
    areas that I have to protect.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 7, 2006
  3. FrankW

    matt Guest

    I've never done that, but if it will effect assembly of the parts, its
    not a bad idea.

    If you need to be extremely anal about it, there are a few ways you
    could actually do it:

    - create a configuration that uses a different thickness (not a great idea)
    - create offset surfaces around the mating faces. I would make these
    faces a different color so you understand that they are due to a
    finishing operation, not the real thickness of the metal itself
    - just make distance mates in the assembly instead of coincident, and
    check for clearance instead of interference.

    On the part drawing, I would just call it out with a note.

    It mainly depends on how critical your fits are. You may also be able to
    specify some masked areas on the part which do not get painted for
    assembly tolerance reasons.
    matt, Sep 7, 2006
  4. FrankW

    CS Guest

    Model the part to nominal and Dimension for Fit.

    For example if you have a 4in part and it is going to have .01 paint on
    it you may want your dimension to be 4 -.02/-.03 to make sure your part
    will fit.
    CS, Sep 7, 2006
  5. FrankW

    Diego Guest

    As mentioned, dimension for fit, but also design for manufacturability.
    Sheet metal form/fit tolerances (outside of stamping) are often +/-.03"
    or greater, depending on metal thickness and machine capabilities. If
    you design with this in mind paint can be a non-issue. Keep in mind
    also the tolerances of structural and extruded parts the sheet metal is
    fitting with too. Your sheet metal parts may also be flexible, which
    can overcome some of the tolerance stack-up issues.

    Diego, Sep 7, 2006
  6. FrankW

    IL_Bow_Man Guest

    At our facility, we use an insert gauge of .0175 and with the paint it
    brings the thickness to .019. We design everything at the .019 since
    that is the finished size. We don't add a paint thickness to the model
    as a seperate feature.
    IL_Bow_Man, Sep 8, 2006
  7. FrankW

    Montie Guest


    I handle that by specifying the following in the notes:

    "All dimensions apply after the application of all finishes."

    This seems to work well. The vendor knows how much thickness the paint
    adds and they can compensate when they layout the part.

    If you make your sheetmetal parts internally, then it puts the onus on
    the shop foreman.

    If you are the shop foreman, then my comments may not be much help.

    Montie Design

    Visit the NC Product Design Directory at
    Montie, Sep 8, 2006
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