Pageout / Page Setups / Aclyutil

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by nwaguespack, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. nwaguespack

    nwaguespack Guest

    I recently upgraded to Autocad 2005 from 2002 and the pagout command is no longer availible. I have the following lisp routine that imports all of my page setups from a template drawing then the pagout command sets up my 24x36 drawing setup taking into acount each drawing's dimscale. Can someone help me rewrite this LISP so that I no longer need pageout but it does the same thing. The lisp is as follows:

    (defun c:RCPlot ()
    (vlax-for ps (vla-get-plotconfigurations
    (vlax-get-acad-object )))
    (vla-delete ps))
    ;---turn off command echo---
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    ;---Setup for 24X36 plot using Dimscale for plot scale---
    (setq plotscl (strcat "1:" (rtos (getvar "dimscale"))))
    (command "-plot" "y" "model" "1055CM Win.pc3" "Arch D - 24 x 36 in. (landscape)" "I" "LANDSCAPE" "N" "L" plotscl "-.35,-.10" "y" "RC Pens.ctb" "Y" "N" "N" "Y" "N")
    (command "pageout" "RC_36x24" "c:\temp\none")
    ;---Import Page Setups for "Scaled to Fit" devices---
    (setq done T)
    (command "PSETUPIN" "RCProto.dwg" "*")
    (while (= (getvar "CMDNAMES") "PSETUPIN")
    (command "y" )
    (setq done nil)

    Thanks in advance for the help.Neil
    nwaguespack, Nov 25, 2004
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