Page Size

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Justin Sousa @ Omsberg & Company, Apr 20, 2004.

  1. I am just curious about something, Is there any reason why a page size
    defined in custom properties as 24"x36", regardless of margin settings,
    should ever come out of a roll-feed plotter and not be EXACTLY 24"!

    I keep getting the feeling that Autodesk or HP don't agree on something
    about how plotting works. This should work out of the box! If AutoCAD sends
    a 24"x36" to the plotter, a 24"x36" piece of paper should come out. If I
    plot a window in AutoCAD of a 24"x36" area, it should print out right where
    it is supposed to be on the 24"36" piece of paper. These should be rights,
    not privileges!! :)

    Just needed to rant a little, I have tried so many suggestions on this
    newsgroup, many of which get results, it's just that I keep finding more
    problems down the road depending on which correction I use. I don't feel
    like there should be so many fixes for something that should just work.

    Civil 2004
    Windows XP
    Justin Sousa @ Omsberg & Company, Apr 20, 2004
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